Who is: Jennifer Stokes
Jennifer Stokes launched STS Magazine along with Nikki Stokes back in 2012. Since launching, both Jennifer and Nikki Stokes have created a go-to platform for women in business and entertainment. STS, which stands for Stokes Technical Services started off small by just providing the technical aspect of business and then later, they opened STS Branding and Marketing.
In an exclusive interview, Stokes tells us how it all started and gives us more insight on the STS brand.
Jae Monique: You started Stokes Technical Services with Nikki Stokes. What inspired you to launch STS magazines?
Jennifer Stokes: Nikki and I are married so I was a stay at home wife for about a year. I wanted to help her with the business so I started my own division. Once that was completed, she had the idea to put a newsletter together for our clients and once that took off, she decided to create a magazine. We started off small with STS Branding Magazine for Women in Business. We sold about 20 copies, then went on to create STS Luxury, and STS Entertainment and Fashion Magazine.
JM: You had quite a few celebrities in your publication. Who’s the biggest celebrity you published so far?
Stokes: The biggest celebrity that we have featured varies depending on the genre of their profession. Taj George from SWV was pretty big for us. Then we had Pilar Sanders, Sasha Gradiva, and so many more.
JM: Did you initially expect your magazine to become so successful?
Stokes: I do not want to sound like I am bragging, but I am actually a Publicist so YES I DID! We put 100% in everything that we do so this wasn’t anything that we didn’t expect. We always feel that if you put the work in, it will happen.
JM: What makes your magazine different from others?
Stokes: We cater to Women in business only! This includes women of all races, sizes, professions, etc. We are independent and we offer print and online. STS Magazines also sells out within hours of its release. Each issue is released monthly solely by myself and Nikki.
JM: What have been your biggest accolades?
Stokes: Nikki has a Master’s Degree in Computer Resource Management. I have a Master’s in Business Administration/International Business. We are not only married, but we are the only woman owned business in Charleston, SC that provides Camera/POS Systems for business and corporate clients. We have sold over 3,000 magazines Nationwide and Internationally.
JM: What are your overall goals?
Stokes: To rule the world with our magazines one woman at a time. I believe that women sometimes do not receive the credit that we deserve. This is one way to do it–promoting and supporting women.
JM: What’s your day like as a publisher?
Stokes: Well, we have three other divisions within our company, STS Media and Publishing is just one of them. We have Stokes Technical Services and STS Branding and Marketing. We are located in Miami, Atlanta, and Charleston so each day is different. We provide camera installs, branding services/PR, and interviewing for our magazines. We have 11 employees and we travel constantly for media and press coverage.
JM: Is there anything else you would like me to know?
Stokes: STS provides all types of publishing for Authors and business owners. We also provide printing which can include: Banners, Books, Catalogs, etc.
Social Media:
IG: STS Media and Publishing
Website: www.stsprbm.com and www.stsmediandpublishing.com