Joshua Johnson Talks About Collaborating With Gucci Mane And More
Joshua Johnson (@hollywood3k), was born January on the date of the Garnet and Pearl. The Garnet is a precious stone of regeneration and order; it is energizing. The Pearl is the finest model of something. As a young boy growing up in Chicago, Illinois, Joshua received a jump start in entrepreneurship. He grew up listening to the stock market radio while riding in his father’s car.
During the 7th grade school year at Kerr Middle, he was selling snacks to his peers between classes. Joshua figured “why should they sneak away from class for a Little Debbie?” He kept more of his classmates in attendance, he had the snacks and a nice little profit for a 12 yr old.
The concept of the business of was understood with Joshua. At a youthful age, he was ready to conquer the world of trade and profession. From shoveling snow for neighbors who didn’t have children, to providing duplicate CDs of popular artists for friends, Joshua Johnson was building his network and trade name.
Following good values, progressing to an impact, being a positive influence and generating wealth within the community, allowed Joshua Johnson to become the finest example of an illuminating energy that will continue for many generations. Joshua Johnson recognizes the importance of establishing solid relationships. His brand consulting company, Image Is Everything, represents the idea that once realized, have a purpose behind the visual. An image may be “Everything” but it is the machine of dedication, discipline, and momentum that will complete “The Big Picture”.
Currently, Joshua Johnson is setting up two new apps, “Hip Hop Emojis” and “Pick-up” an innovative app which delivers larger scale ordered items to customers, a radio station, relaunching his family owned Interior Design Company and his own Management Firm called Global Image which has a number of actors, actresses, musical artist in Hip Hop and Gospel. It seems that the sky is the limit for Joshua Johnson as he continues to press on to ramp up the empire set with Garnet and Pearl.
“My daily inspiration is waking up each morning and understanding that God gave us life to share our gifts with the world and inspire others to live more like him. Live it to the fullest and take every opportunity God gives to you.”- Joshua Johnson “Fly With God”
Joshua recently sat down with us at The Hype Magazine to discuss, his two new applications called Hip Hop Emojis” and “Pick-up. In addition, Gucci Mane upcoming Autobiography, as well as Joshua’s own book “I Only Got Kanye Confidence”. Johnson also gives us some insight on what his artists Chappo and Preston Wayne has in store for 2017.
Can you tell us how you got into the entertainment business?
I will have to say back in college. I started my own marketing company called “Image Is Everything” and I coordinating different college events and then that opens the door for me to throw events for celebrities. Allowing me to build relationships with many individuals in the industry.
You were in attendance for Jay-Z Listening Party for “444” Can you tell us what that was like last night?
I can only describe it as one of those moments you can not duplicate, but it was also needed for the culture of hip-hop. As you see the maturity of hip-hop reinsert them back into the culture. This gives some of the younger artists, some education about the artistry. This shows that Jay-Z still has a story to tell and it can be delivered effectively.
What are some of your favorite singles off of the album?
The Story of O.J., 4:44, and Legacy
Who are some of the upcoming artists out of Chicago that we need to keep our eyes on?
An artist by the name of Austin Fillmore and he has a hit single called “Juke”. Him being from the north side of Chicago who has been on the music scene for a while now. Another couple of artists should be Eman and JoJo of the Hott Headz.
What can we expect from your artist “Preston Wayne” this year?
You can expect a lot this young, talented artist. He is only 20 years old, but you can tell that he is some that really enjoys studying his craft. He is familiar with both the 1980s and 1990s, even though he wasn’t a part of those eras. He has already accumulated over 400 songs of unreleased material. He is in the working with people like “No ID” So, I expect great things and our next goal is to have him make some more appearances on stage and take it from there.
You recently launched two new apps, “The Image Emoji’s / Hip Hop Emoji’s ” and “Pick-Upp”. Can you tell us about those and what they consist of?
Hip Hop Emojis are based on the hip- hop lingo and culture that has been presented on the Apple IOS System or on Android before this release and The Image Emoji is an application to create emojis for everyone. We express our lingo through different phrases and that is how we wanted to bring this concept to the text messaging system with “Hip Hop Emojis” sticks.
“Pick-Upp” is an application that my cousin and I came up with while she attended the University of Michigan. Where she was previously the starting point guard for four years and she came up with the idea to create an application where we could locate different basketball courts around the city. You can see who has checked in from, different courts around the city. We are currently in the final stages in the development process and it should be in the Apple and Android stores soon. We have already gotten some great feedback from the University of Chicago and some other local colleges around the surrounding areas. So, they are excited about the application and what some of the things we plan on implementing into it.
You also recently relaunched your family owned interior design company. Are there anything current projects that you are involved with?
We have some incredible things in the works that could be rolled out in the next four months. We are still trying to work out the exact details before we presented to the public. I can that it is a great opportunity we have been presented, is that we are one of the world’s top minority-owned interior design companies. We are currently working nationwide with some plans to go global stating in Africa and other places overseas. Our goal is to help create a lot of employment opportunities all over the world.
When you are looking to hire interns and employees for your interior design company or any of your other companies. What are some of the characteristics you are looking for?
We like to associate ourselves with like-minded individuals and who are driven to accomplish their goals and our company’s vision. We consider our interns and employees like family and want them to fill that working with us is a part of them and not a job that they forced to come to every day just to pay the bills.
You are currently working in the studio with Gucci Mane on some music projects. Can you share some details on the projects?
An artist by name of Omeeezy Chappo that I’m working with recorded two singles with Gucci Mane. They are two must hear singles once they are released and I will be working with Gucci on some other projects that I can’t speak to them now. Gucci has an autobiography, that will be a real inspiration for young adolescent out there coming from an individual who is “The Trap God”, but he was able to turn his life around and transition into an individual and asking for forgiveness for his past mistakes. It will touch on how he has elevated himself as a man regarding respecting the love of his life and wanting to marry her. There is a lot of information that he can teach these young children that look up to him and help steer them in the right direction. As we know he is very business savvy and has helped numerous artists and producers throughout their careers.
I am also working on a book of my own called “I Got Kanye West Confidence” that I will be releasing sometime next year. I have been a Kanye West fan since the beginning and he went to high school with my sister. One day she was going through some old things of hers and found her old yearbook and it had Kayne’s senior year prediction word for word on “How He Was Going to Be This Hugh Music Star & Own His Own Clothing Line” and now as we all know it has all come true. I ended up doing a Facebook live segment on this concept because what it showed me was he truly believed in the vision that God presented to him and wouldn’t let anyone detour him from his goal. So, I came up with the concept of “I Got Kanye West Confidence” and it’s based on his story through a specific song. It will also talk about my journey as an entrepreneur & the struggle and how I have been able to keep moving forward with confidence. The third piece of the book will be tied in through biblical scriptures and how God has helped us reach our confidence level.
Do you have any desire to partner with Netflix and developing your own content in the future?
I have plans to work Netflix, Tidal, Spotify, Apple, Youtube, And Amazon to create my own content to help teach the younger generations.
When the Chicago Cubs won the World Series last year. What were some of the thoughts that were going through your Mind being that you are a Chicago native?
The Cubs breaking that 100 years drought was something that the city needed. It brought real joy to the city and we also broke the record for the biggest gathering of fans for a parade.