Kid Rock Confirms Run for Michigan Senate Seat
The Senate run by established rock artist Kid Rock has been dubbed a publicity stunt for the release of new music. However, Kid Rock says the campaign “is strategy and marketing 101.” As a conservative the GOP have been pushing for Rock to run for office in 2018. Kid Rock is a conservative, who quickly created, as a platform for his politics. With only two weeks remaining to enter the November 2018 race, Rock has guaranteed a major announcement in coming weeks. An avid Donald Trump supporter, Rock attended the oval office in the Spring of this year aside Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent. Kid Rock, real name, Robert James Ritchie, pushes a more boisterous vision of America. His entrance as a ballot option in Michigan has not yet been verified.
The popular rock and roll artist, has created a political debauchery. After the 11 million sold in 1998, of album Devil Without A Cause, Rock has been labeled as a down home rebel. Viewed as a more soulful rocker, Kid Rock, perhaps has lost his way, but affirms it’s his inalienable right as a taxpaying citizen. He was quoted on Facebook as clarifying that Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow differed in policy “I concede she is better at playing politics than I am so I’ll keep doing what I do best, which is being a voice for tax paying, hardworking Americans and letting politicians like her (Stabenow) that We the People are sick and tired of their bull—.”
Perhaps this is Trump’s America, celebrities exploiting politics for financial gain. As Kid Rock has tagged his new music and tour, aside merchandise as part of the “campaign.” It’s a general consensus that rock and roll and politics don’t belong in the same arena. Predominately, anti-establishment, a rock star in office is an oddity. Known for flamboyant, larger than life, stage performances Rock ushered in a mixture of Detroit Motown funk, rap, and classic heavy metal. This is a saddening departure from his liberal free-spirited image. Perhaps he has more in common with rockabilly guitarist Johnny Cash, than we imagined. In this case don’t believe the hype.