Luxury Coffee Specialist Bryan-David Scott Is One of Hollywood’s Best Kept Secrets Find Out Why!
Bryan-David Scott (bdsluxurycoffee) is a passionate family man, brand ambassador, coach, champion for military/veterans, police, fire & kids. He serves as Director of R&D and Chef de cuisine for his company, Bryan-David Scott, where he creates unique, memorable private dining experiences and private coffee tastings.
Infusing luxury coffee and various beverages into his creations has garnered him international acclaim. Blending a love for American cuisine he creates fusion dishes including Mediterranean, French, Indian, Asian, and Middle Eastern
Singly, he serves as a Celebrity Chef Ambassador for iconic brands such as KitchenAid Commercial, Lodge Cast Iron, Naked Infusions, Microplane, and Chef Works.
The Hype Magazine had the opportunity to catch up with the luxury Chef and Coffee expert to discuss how he developed his passion for culinary arts. In addition, we talked about his opportunities to cover the Oscars, The Grammy Awards, Emmy’s and more.
When did you develop a passion for culinary arts?
I began cooking when I was five. I learned from my Mom and Grandmother how to taste food, prepare it so there was the flavor in each bite. I began formal training as a Chef’s apprentice under Frank Baruch, the famous Turkish Chef/owner of Le Petite Café in Kansas City, Missouri when I was 16, but I didn’t become truly passionate about being a Chef until I was invited to join the James Beard Celebrity Chef Tour by Jeff Black. While in the kitchen with some of the greatest Chefs in the country I was awe-struck by the openness to share knowledge and technique; total lack of ego or arrogance. There was this brilliant exchange of energy, passion, joy, camaraderie and pulling together as a team to serve our very best dishes to guests. My demand for excellence in all I do was taken to a whole new level. I converted my home kitchen into a lab where I experimented with my own techniques, melding various liquors with our coffees; baking fusions with coffee, espresso, liquor; creating mind-bending dishes. I developed friendships with some of the greatest Chefs in the world. I frequently called on them to collaborate with me. We brainstormed, hammered through innovative techniques, and created things that people are still talking about. This process to passion for me as a bonified culinary artist began in 2013.
You are known as a Luxury Coffee Specialist. In fact, the only one in the Western Hemisphere. Is there a particular blend of coffee that you enjoy the most?
I am interested in both single origins and our signature blends. My favorite single origin is our Costa Rican. It hails from the Tarazzu region of Costa Rica; the very best in the world. My favorite signature blend is not as simple, so … I adore our Black Label, Simply Decadent, and Découverte (French, meaning discovery). Of our rare and exotic I am extremely pleased with our Ferrari, which I crafted to honor Enzo Ferrari; Oscar, which I crafted for the 89th Academy Awards; and Charity, which I crafted for Linkin Park and the charity they founded, “Music For Relief.” Some of these coffees reach $2,200/lb.
When you use your 100 point coffees as an ingredient, how does that affect the food you are preparing?
Beautiful question. The difference between baking or cooking with a 100 point coffee vs. common coffee off a retail shelf is extraordinary. When guests dine with me I am driving their senses to a place of wonderment; I want them to experience the degree of complexity I pour into everything; layers of flavor. A great example is my prime cut, smoked espresso, citrus rib eye steak dusted with cracked pepper and Moroccan salt grilled perfectly then served atop my fresh baked espresso sourdough bread grilled. Using my espresso or coffee modifies the flavor — it elevates the guest dining experience exponentially. What was good becomes great. What was great becomes mind-bending superb.
You have had the opportunity to cater to superstars, Elite Chefs, and for events like the Grammys, Oscars, Emmy’s and more. Out of all those events which one are you the proudest of?
Anytime I receive an invitation to perform as a Chef and/or Luxury Coffee Specialist at high-level events (Emmy Awards, Grammys, private Chef for government officials or celebs, ICON MANN, Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz, the Oscars) I am filled with a sense of awe and excitement, but when I was invited to perform as a guest celebrity Chef during the 89th Academy Awards … I am certain people within a mile could hear me shouting. I am still on cloud 9 from this year’s Oscars and surrounding events I was a part of.
Describe your recent experience providing service on the Linkin Park tour.
One of the highlights of this year was accepting the invitation by Linkin Park to attend their celebrity poker tournament benefitting Music For Relief, a charity they founded to aid victims of natural disasters and creating awareness of environmental issues. I felt honored to be a part of something so awesome. I had a great time hanging out with some of the guys — Joe, Brad, Mike — and other amazing talents like Steve Aoki, Zedd, Lil’ Flip. Watching celebs’ faces, hearing them tell me we have the greatest coffee they have ever had (a common, but always welcomed comment), was encouraging. While on tour, I had the privilege of serving as a guest Celebrity Chef at LKSD in Downey. I served there in February when I was on tour for the 89th Academy Awards. LKSD is rad; nothing like that place anywhere else in the states. In addition to serving there, I had the honor or a number of celebs inviting me to their homes to prepare my creations including our 100 point coffees. Another highlight was filming with Southern Girl Desserts with the ever amazing Shoneji Robison. Handcrafted desserts — everything made from scratch — coupled with our luxury coffees? Lord have mercy! It was on! They will be serving our coffees soon. This tour goes down in the books as a solid 10.
Have you thought possibly partnering with some of the local culinary art institutions and being a bridge for students to professional chefs?
Yes, I have. I believe with my expertise in luxury coffee and preparing dishes packed with flavor, other Chefs and students would benefit greatly. With me, ideas for teaching others are always brewing.
What are some of the things you look for in interns and employees during the hiring process?
For me, everything rises and falls on leadership. It begins with passion, vision, and heart. What I ask of others I expect of myself. I wash dishes, sweep and mop floors, clean windows, and yes … I clean our restroom. There is no room for ego or arrogance although I am accused of being arrogant at times. I expect people to come to work excited, ready to take on new challenges, bring their passion and vision for creating or respectfully stay out of the kitchen. I demand loyalty. I expect that we flow as a team. I take a round table approach to leadership. Together we learn, and we teach. I despise micromanagement. Why hire a person if you aren’t going to trust them to perform? Cast the vision and let them go.
When you’re catering events what is your favorite dish to prepare? Why?
I have become internationally famous for my prime cut rib eye steaks and my Norwegian salmon. As you know, I create my own rubs and sauces. For my rib eye steaks, it begins with my dry rub, Moroccan salt, fresh cracked pepper, and a perfectly appointed grill — I only use natural char wood. No lighter fluid ever. From the grill, I can prepare my steaks, sauté my vegetables — especially my asparagus and mushrooms; and I am able to grill my famous sourdough bread. My salmon … I learned from Chef Eric Ripert how to prepare fish. I use a classical French technique, however, I add my espresso fusion with fresh zested Myer Lemon, Tangerine, Mandarin or lime. During my Academy Awards after-party, a guest kept saying bite after bite, “damn! this is so good Chef.” I prepare food for guests that I want to eat. I prepare food that bends the mind. It is satisfying down to my soul to make people smile, laugh and enjoy life in that space of time we are all together. I love celebrating life, faith, family, friends, and success.
You are currently 47 years young. Where would you like to see your career in the next two years?
I want to be at the very top of my game. I want to have the respect and admiration from my peers and fans alike. I have a goal to have international brand licensing opportunities. Within two years I would like to see every license sold. I will have my second book published and on the NY Time’s and Amazon Best Seller’s list. I will be sought after as a powerful motivational speaker. My media presence will be solid — TV, cable, film, radio, podcasting. I will be successful as a Chef, Luxury Coffee Specialist, actor, and model.
What is some friendly advice you would like to give aspiring Entrepreneurs?
Chasing a dream comes with a price. Be willing to pay the price. Never, never quit. Most people breakdown just before the breakthrough. On the road to success, you will hear many voices. Listen to the ones that are filled with wisdom, life, encouragement, and that adds value to who you are as a person and to your life. Ignore the negativity and naysayers. Surround yourself with people that believe in you, encourage you, stand with you, and speak into your life. Have faith for without it you are like a beautiful jet awaiting takeoff but have no engine.
As the CEO of your own business how important to you family legacy?
My family is the reason I live. Building wealth while I am alive is important to take care of the needs, wants, and desires of my family, but I believe a truly successful man is one that plans for and leaves a legacy. My wife and three sons all share my vision for continuing the Bryan-David Scott legacy of love, giving, and encouraging others to achieve their dreams.
Are any of your children interested in your occupation?
All three of our sons are interested in various facets of what I do. I feel blessed — fortunate –that from an early age I have spent time loving and pouring my life into them.
What motivates you to get out of bed every morning?
Knowing that God has called me to provide for my family, be an example for others to follow, and to inspire people. I am up anywhere between 3 and 5 every morning, even if I went to bed after 1, which is common for me.
On average, family owned businesses last one or two generations after they are founded. Have you thought about the direction of the company in that aspect?
Yes, I have. I am confident in my sons’ abilities to carry on my passion and vision for luxury, excellence, and philanthropy –what good are we if when we are blessed we do not bless others?
What is the craziest request you’ve entertained then prepared?
I had to park this question and spend time considering my response because I have done some crazy things for clients. One stands out for me above all, and it may or may not affect you the same, and that’s okay. I take great pride in what I do. I offer the most exquisite food and drinks to guests as I can. This includes the very finest American and Japanese cuts of steak. I was preparing dinner for a rock star and his wife. We were laughing, talking, having a great time until I was standing by the grill preparing a Grade 8 Wagyu filet. Traditionally this gorgeous cut is prepared rare to medium-rare. I was asked to cook it to a char. I was incensed but willing to please my guest. I pulled the steaks off, wrapped them, and let them rest. Upon serving them I was asked to place them on the grill; they were not done well enough. I did as they asked. I pulled them off the grill with clearly burned edges, and virtually no juice coming from within. I cut into it for them but was asked to place the steaks on the grill again. Though very polite and respectful, I was asked if I would allow him to cook the steaks. I humbly smiled and motioned for him to command the grill. I watched as flames devoured the steak. Five minutes later he pulled the beautiful leathery steaks off. Even now, I would prefer watching a teacher grind her nails on an old chalkboard than ever witness the destruction of a magnificent cut of beef like that again.
Are there any desserts you enjoy preparing?
Absolument! I enjoy preparing natural and refreshing desserts using fresh fruit from the farm; sometimes I prepare a wonderfully sticky caramelized dessert that I serve flambé; other times I create my famous espresso ice cream. No Bryan-David Scott dinner is complete without a masterfully crafted dessert and 100 point coffee.
What genres of music interest you?
I have eclectic taste. I listen to classical, big band, jazz, smooth jazz, Dixieland jazz, very little opera, hip-hop, R&B, rap, EDM, soft rock, hard rock, ballads, and pop.
Have you thought about partnering with Whole Foods and mass producing some of your favorite dishes for the frozen section?
I dream of this almost daily. Having been a single dad raising three young boys, there were times I wish I could pick up ready-made meals that were delicious, but good for us. I did not feel like cooking dinner many times. I see huge potential in preparing my dishes then offering fresh-frozen delicious meals. Whole Foods I would love to talk with you!
You serve as a Celebrity Chef ambassador for iconic brands like KitchenAid Commercial, Gunter Wilhelm, Dioo Audio, Naked Infusions, Gunter Wilhelm, LKSD Downey, Microplane, and Chef Works. How have those experiences helped you run your operation?
When I was very new as a celebrity Chef, these awesome brands and the managers behind them believed in me. They gave me the privilege of representing them to the world. With that representation came a certain amount of credibility. Through the years new brands have signed on as a result of watching me, hearing me speak. I have a deep appreciation for my original brands helping me get started. By having these brands and others standing with me I am guaranteed to have the best tools and products at my fingertips. In short, they allow me to perform with excellence in all I do.
What do you want to be remembered for the most?
I want to be remembered as a man that loved my wife, kids, and my family. I want to be remembered as a man that gave more than I took in life; that I did my very best to honor my faith; that I did everything I could to be a blessing to our military, first responders, kids and families.