Published on April 15th, 2018 | by Dr. Jerry Doby
0Case Study: University Incubator Explores the Science of Business with CPN Livestream Network
Science and technology are daily components of our daily lives, from emergency medical treatment collaborations via virtual means or turning citizen journalists into the next viral media star. The National Science Foundation (NSF), ECU (formerly Eastern Carolina University) Small Business and Technology Development Center at ECU and, Greenville Seed ECU partnered to create a unique incubator program Idea 2 Impact which allows grassroots businesses access to tools and resources to elevate their concepts from thought to execution.
The official line on the program reads:
Idea 2 Impact is designed to help faculty, students, and staff on their journey through the ideation, innovation, assessment and commercialization process.
The program just graduated their Phase Two Session Three group which included celebrated Facebook live show creator, Avant-Garde Musician/Filmmaker/Artist, Ceasar Romero, whose CPN Network has grown from a local broadcast in the Carolinas to a burgeoning elite live stream platform via Facebook, which hosts content creators both domestically in the US, Africa, Europe, and Asia. The platform’s audience is widespread across the globe and receives submissions from more countries than we can list in a brief aside.
Romero’s story includes time spent working in experimental cellular television with AT&T in New York and for a Master Systems Operator with Direct TV. His development efforts with his streaming platform led him to accept a placement in the ECU Idea 2 Impact program in support of the science of technology.
Completing the course
As part of the endcap process, the prospective business owner has to show and prove that their idea works in the application and recently, Carlos shared one of his field trials with his audience and The Hype Magazine:
Tech Details in Brief:
This project was the culmination of Phase II, ECU Idea 2 Impact under the auspices of The National Science Foundation (NSF), Greenvilleseedecu and SBTDC at ECU.
Here’s the field scenario for the university by Carlos Romero
4/14/2018 – We travel to the Turnage Theater Box Office for The Black White and Blues Affair feat Jazz Guitarist Steve Creech, Mr. King on Sax, Flute, and Starring DieDra and The Ruff Pro BandHall of Fame Blues Artist for 2018.
In this mobile application field trial, we tested under extreme conditions successfully using The Google Project Fi Multiple Virtual Cellular transmission network over TeamMobile, Sprint and U.S. Cellular.
Check out CPN’s event photo album HERE:
The Hype Magazine is proud to be a part of the growth and elevation of CPN and as part of the vertical elevation of the program, we will feature periodic segments from the network as it develops with a goal of reaching television broadcast status…Stay Tuned!!!
The Hype Magazine supports the efforts of ECU, The National Science Foundation and partners to build media related business like Carlo’s CPN Network, who successfully navigate the program.
CPN Mission Statement
A Social Responsibility company using telecommunications and social media to raise the consciousness of the human race.
Carlos L Romero Avant-Garde
Musician/Filmmaker/Art!sts Group
Bonus: CPN International Broadcast