Greatness of Saturn – Wants Your Introspection
In his self-titled debut EP, Greatness of Saturn invites you to examine the very nature of who you are. Humans are at once both glorious and flawed beings — dynamic and unpredictable. Likewise the musical journey of this album follows an oscillating path. The oft discussed astrological “Saturn Return” is a three year period when we are approximately 28-31 years of age when humans are first confronted with this harsh taskmaster — they either learn to swim or drown in the weight of their new responsibilities. Any great achievement in the realms of science, exploration, art, and social justice are due to the grace of this planet — without Saturn we would never up-level or grow. Saturn is the planet most closely bonded to the idea of karma and karmic debt. Some say the rings of Saturn represent the karma that we carry with us throughout our entire lives. We must bear the full weight of our decisions in order to relish in our achievements. Nothing will come easy when Saturn is involved, and a person may even suffer greatly. However, the eventual outcome will be well worth the pain, and in this way Saturn is benevolent — it is a kindness for someone to teach you how you are wrong but how you can align things again. Saturn is a planet of internal growth, nothing that happens to you happens outside of your own decisions and interpretation of said events.
The concept behind this album is of an intelligent energy visiting our planet and helping humanity improve on a grand scale. We on Earth have hurt each other since the dawn of our species, and it is time for us to finally grow up from this child-like state of abuse and distrust. This is an individual journey, but also the responsibility of the human race as a collective consciousness and family. Until we have learned the essential lessons of this divine force, and therefore think beyond the typical limits of consciousness, we will be forever stuck. The very fabric of the album is a combination of the old and the new, both essential for pushing things forward. More traditional recording textures (e.g., real analog synthesizers, real acoustic drums) and interlinked with modern day software-based techniques. The result provides the perfect musical bathtub to sink into and begin a journey of introspection.
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