#NewHype – Guerrilla Ghost “Everybody Rap” ( @gghostmke )
Visually Amazing , Bass heavy with bars and demand for your attention that you agree with the Milwaukee duo Guerrilla Ghost. If you are unfamiliar GG is made up of producer Tron Jovi & emcee Bad Graphics Ghost. The raspy voiced Bad Graphics, gives you great lyricism to keep you in tuned with the vibe of the song. This could be seen as a diss to how everywhere you go now a days everyone raps though not everyone should. You can definitely get the Punk, Metal Hip Hop vibe as the history of the two members of GG have played parts in all genres. Guerrilla Ghost gives a shout to their label Triple Eye industries near the end of the visual. The video was directed by Ross Monagle ,this is the first video released for their latest album “Perpetually Sad Motion Machine” that you can find below.