Poet Laura Muensterer Shares Her Debut Collection of Poetry in “freebird”
By Allison Kugel
freebird is the debut poetry collection by poet, Laura Muensterer. Muensterer’s debut book, freebird, features one hundred original poems that elegantly capture a multi-faceted interpretation of the human condition, and feed the soul with validation, purpose and hope.
Muensterer’s depth of perspective reflected in her poetry far outweighs her 23 years. freebird dances through topics from relationships, the passing of time, self-love, self-judgment, the image myth, trust, betrayal, liberation and, ultimately, the freedom symbolic of the “freebird.” This preeminent poetry book culminates with the poem titled, “freebird” which graces the back cover. The freebird is one who sees through the illusion of life and casts off the delusions of ego, societal expectation and self-criticism, to be able to sprout wings and fly.
Laura Muensterer’s own childhood was eclectic, lending itself to a rarefied introspection of spirit. She was born in Munich, Germany and raised in Dallas, Texas by her German father and her midwestern, Oklahoma-bred mother. She now calls Southern California her home. Muensterer began writing poetry in elementary school with the hope of giving a voice to a full range of human emotion. “When I write, I try to interpret what I believe many people around the world are experiencing, but may not have the words to express. In many ways we all share the same skin, and we are all vulnerable to the same thoughts and feelings about this life that we lead here on earth.”
Through poetry and whimsical illustrations, Muensterer explores various aspects of the human experience while shedding light on the many ways our past shapes our present and future self.
Allison Kugel: Your poems reflect such amazing insight and you’re only twenty-three. Where do your ideas and thoughts come from?
Laura Muensterer: I began writing poetry as far back as grade school and middle school started when I would practice writing poems in English class. It is something that has been inside me for as long as I can remember. I think being born in Munich, Germany to a German dad and a mom from the American, as well as moving around a bit growing up set the stage for my sense of wanderlust, in terms of wanting to know about the world, the human experience and why we experience the things we do. Writing poetry has always been my way of exploring and expressing all facets of the human condition and all ranges of emotion, including my own.
Allison Kugel: What other poets have inspired you and your work?
Laura Muensterer: I have been following Rupi Kaur’s work for years and I gain great inspiration from her poetry. Her work certainly informs and inspires me, but in terms of my poetry, I have my own individual style and voice.
Allison Kugel: How would you describe the collection of one hundred poems in you new book, freebird?
Laura Muensterer: Although the poems in my book coverage a wide range of topics from love and relationships to self-doubt, confidence, growth, betrayal, forgiveness and freedom; the overarching theme throughout all of my poetry is that it is rooted in humanity; the simplicity and complexity of feeling like both child and adult, throughout our lives her on earth. I try to interpret all of the phases of life we go through, and I also try to include things that could be relatable to most everyone. When I write, I try to interpret what I believe many people around the world are experiencing but may not have the words to express.
freebird, the debut collection of poems by poet Laura Muensterer is available digitally on August 1st on Amazon. Visit LauraMuensterer.com to learn more about the poet and author.
Photo Credits: Laura Muensterer
Allison Kugel is a syndicated entertainment columnist, author of the memoir, Journaling Fame: A memoir of a life unhinged and on the record, and an award-winning publicist with the firm, Full Scale Media. Follow her at AllisonKugel.com.