South London Rapper Ramone Grams Releases Latest Track ‘TSG Spun Him’
Ramone Grams is the South London rapper, previously been featured on Link Up TV and GRM Daily. He has racked up over 40,000 views on featured videos.
As a poet and lyricist Ramone Grams has taken on the current subject of police brutality in ‘TSG Spun Him’ having observed ongoing violence used against young people on the streets of London. Explaining that the ‘Territorial Support Group’ are a particularly aggressive branch of London’s Metropolitan Police, he has noted the visual and emotional impact they have on communities as they disembark their vehicles.
He remarks: “The experience of getting spun (arrested) by the TSG is a lot worse for citizens than getting stopped by a police car. A scene can often become like a war zone. They are like violent robots as they make their arrests.”
Watch the video for ‘TSG Spun Him’ below.