Kaybe Delivers New Single ‘Sweet Love of Mine’
Recently singer/songwriter KayBe released her new single, “Sweet Love Of Mine.” The warm and fuzzy single gushes with love inspired lyrics for an organic Americana-Pop sound that’s highlighted by KayBe’s natural born ability to sing, play piano and strum guitar on this emotive single.
“Sweet Love Of Mine it’s such a sweet goo-goo, gah-gah song. My boyfriend and I call each other silly little names all the time and it’s just inspired by those funny names we share with each other. He calls me funny food names all the time that are sweet like honey biscuits, sometimes fruits, or candies and desserts, so I thought to write something like that about our love,” Kaybe said. “It’s just a warm and endearing song about how everyone feels a little gushy with who they love. There’s nothing more to it and there doesn’t need to be anything to it, love is love and I think a lot of people will relate to that.”
Raised in the St. Louis area but taking off to college in the Nashville area, KayBe brings her Country and Pop roots to the Los Angeles scene where she has performed over the past few years at well renowned showcases in Hollywood and the surrounding areas. With strong roots in country music, KayBe brings a knowledge and understanding of the songwriting process that you can hear on the track “Sweet Love Of Mine.”
“I was raised on country but I also loved the pop music my mom used to play. My dad liked old school country and Americana music but my parents didn’t let me listen to too much pop so I naturally became really was interested in it even more because of that, ” KayBe said joking.
“I always have been interested in pop melodies but I also love the stories of country music, so I feel like my music is combination of that Americana-Pop sound and it’s come full circle to be very true to who I am. It’s still catchy but it’s very lyrically driven and the sounds are very organic in terms of the instrumentation. You can hear the piano in all of my tracks, but from the drums to the acoustic guitar, it’s a more organic sound and a little less synthesized at this point.
While KayBe has always found joy in music it hasn’t always been easy as KayBe nearly lost her voice and ability to sing and perform.
“When I lost my voice with the whooping cough, I lost my good singing voice and it took years to recover. So I just started writing songs and it was really hard to for me mentally to overcome that challenge. It’s like being an athlete that’s injured but I started writing and I still wanted people to listen to me, so I moved to LA for the songwriting scene here. Now with my voice revamped, my voice feels better than ever having overcome all my obstacles with new training and techniques and I’m fully healed.”
Going forward KayBe has performances planned this Fall to coincide the release of a yet to be titled short EP. Fans interested in KayBe’s movements can follow her IG: @thekaybe.