Cynthia Bailey & Shay Johnson Host Fibroid Fighters Brunch in Miami, FL
The USA Fibroid Centers hosted a chic fibroids awareness brunch in Miami, FL hosted by reality tv show stars Cynthia Bailey & Shay Johnson.
During this event women from all walks of life who have been faced with fibroid issues shared their stories with the room and how working with the USA Fibroid Centers helped the changed their outlook on what having a healthy, productive life with fibroids could be like, a life without serious and painful health struggles.
Cynthia shared with the crowd that she was first notified by her doctor that she had fibroids when she was pregnant. Her doctor played it down and said that because her fibroid was so small, after childbirth it would most likely go away. Well for Cynthia, this could be nothing farther than the truth. Years later not only had the fibroid gotten larger, where there was once one, there were now two. And what was worse is by this time she was on tv regularly filming for “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” and had a serious bulge in which fans and blogs would always assume was a pregnancy bump. It all came to ahead when she was at a Bravo TV meet-n-greet during her monthly period cycle. During the meet-n-greet she sat and signed fan autographs for 2 hours. When she got up to leave, she noticed that she was bleeding all over the place and that she, and then husband Peter, had to rush out to get her cleaned up before anyone could notice. She decided enough was enough. After reaching out to her doctor, she was told that the only way to rid herself from the heavy periods and pains she experienced monthly was to have a hysterectomy. Of course deciding against it, she began doing research and came across the UFE procedure, the only non-invasive uterine fibroid treatment, that was being offered by USA Fibroid Centers, the #1 fibroid treatment center in the country. Since she is now retired from reality tv, she is making it her life’s mission to educate as many women as possible about the non-invasive procedural options they have when it comes to fibroids.
Other women also captivated the room of listeners as they shared stories that included years of pain, inability to bare children, and body mutilation.
Did you know that an estimated 20% – 50% of women develop fibroids during their child bearing years, although not all are diagnosed. Symptoms can include heavy and prolonged menstrual periods (more than 5 days per month, more often than 25 days apart), anemia causing fatigue, pelvic pain and pressure, pain during sexual intercourse, frequent urination, and constipation and bloating.
The USA Fibroid Centers have over 40 locations throughout the country and can help women of all ages get a handle on their health issues that have been caused by their fibroids.