LVMH, Gucci Allegedly Exposed: Snakes Beaten With Hammers, Live Lizards Beheaded for Skins According to PETA Asia Investigation
Ok this post is gonna piss some people off…on each side of the aisle of the animal rights issue but hey, I’m not going to duck because folks don’t like to see gruesome *ish. This info, photos and video come from a PETA Asia investigation and is not part of The Hype Magazine research. The post includes links to letters to LVMH (Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Celine) and Kering (Gucci) regarding the allegations put forward from their investigation. WARNING these images and video are NOT FOR THOSE WITH A WEAK STOMACH and may actually be disturbing to some: Below is the official release we received from PETA Asia…
A new PETA Asia investigation into two Indonesian slaughterhouses that supply LVMH reveals that snakes were beaten with hammers, sliced open with razorblades, and likely skinned alive—and at one of the slaughterhouses that supplies Gucci, workers bashed lizards in the head with machetes and hacked at their necks up to 14 times before they were decapitated.
The investigation revealed workers at facilities that supply LVMH—which owns Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Celine—striking pythons repeatedly on the head then suspending them in the air and forcing hoses down their throats to inflate them with water, making it easier to remove their skin. Workers disemboweled the snakes while they were likely still conscious. Workers at a slaughterhouse that supplies Gucci—which is owned by Kering—plunged conscious and struggling lizards into buckets of water before beheading them. Because of their unique physiology, lizards do not die instantaneously after being decapitated and their brains can remain conscious and fully able to feel pain for over 30 minutes. The video shows two instances in which lizards’ heads continued moving after decapitation.
Louis Vuitton Owner Exposed: Workers Bash Pythons in the Head for Leather Bags from Official PETA on Vimeo.
Despite these atrocities, LVMH and Kering continue to make false claims about the welfare of the animals killed for their products.
“LVMH and Gucci are on the wrong side of history as long as they sell items made from animals who were beaten, sliced open, and hacked apart while still likely clinging to life,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “PETA is calling on these companies to stop profiting from pythons and lizards’ misery and end exotic-skin sales.”
PETA’s letter to LVMH is available here, and its letter to Kering is available here.
PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear”—opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information about PETA’s investigative newsgathering and reporting, please visit or follow the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
If you have a problem with this post or have something to say direct all comments and questions to: Moira Colley [email protected]