Tune In: Red Bull Imagination 2022 – Freeride Motocross at its Best
On Sunday, September 25th on ESPN fans will get to watch the world’s premier freeride motocross competition dreamed up by Tyler Bereman and brought to life by DreamTraxx’s Jason Baker – Red Bull Imagination is officially back and returned to E3 Ranch in Fort Scott, Kansas, for its third event. This is a year of firsts for Imagination as the competition welcomed its first international riders coming in from Belgium and Spain, as well as being the first time it allowed the general public to come out and enjoy the event. A crowd of more than 500 braved the 89-degree heat in Fort Scott, Kansas to witness some of the most exciting riders from the sport do their thing.
And DO THEIR THING THEY DID!!! I’m was on hand during the official event but I’m not allowed to show you or discuss the actual competition results, but I can give you a view of the track and some moments from the practice…check it out below…The practice run footage has been cleared and provided by the Red Bull Content Pool. The muted portion is my view from the judges’ tower…
Who is on the lineup? Leading freeride motocross rider and 10-time X Games medalist Bereman is joined by returning riders and rookie riders, including 2022 X Games Gold medalist, 10-time X Games overall medalist Colby Raha and former AMA Supercross/motocross rider Josh Hill.
Red Bull Imagination MAIN EVENT Airs September 25: Available on ESPN+ (U.S. Viewing) and on Red Bull TV (Outside U.S. Viewing).
Ok, one more thing I need to add…the amazing grub was provided by E3 as well and proceeds from the food sales will go to charity.
Overall, I had an amazing time at this event, met some awesome people, and was mesmerized by the level of competition…these riders are top in their craft…the Jay-Z’s and Busta Rhymes’ of freeride motocross, so tune in and support a Kansas-based event that has the eyes of the international community.
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