Media Stop R-Mean Mean Mondays

Published on June 21st, 2017 | by Influencer


R-Mean drops another Mean Monday record – This time it’s for Tupac

2Pac Is Probably Smiling In Heaven

The music just keeps coming and it’s only getting better ! You’d think that releasing track after track for 25 weeks straight would burnout an artist and you’d get tired of seeing their name, butĀ R-MeanĀ is making it his business to only produce dope tracks and stay relevant. This week the single isĀ “All Eyes On You”.Ā Following the release of the biopic about Tupac Shakur, “All Eyez On Me”,Ā R-MeanĀ took it upon himself to create a song to reflect and share his thought about the legendary rapper.

The lyrics all the way down to the song he chose to sample is perfect.



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