Jocelyn Rivera: Digital Relations Extraordinaire
Jocelyn Rivera is a household name that is taking the entertainment industry by storm all at the age of 23. Starting out as a music showcase curator in the streets of New York; Jocelyn has dedicated her time to promote and create buzz for upcoming indie hip hop artists, wanting to create opportunities for themselves to be discovered. Jocelyn quickly obtained notable attention from honorable industry outlets such as Sony Music, Daily Motion, Rapfest and more. While obtaining attention; Jocelyn has been able to collaborated and create partnerships with numerous companies to establish her brand and gain new levels of entrepreneurship within the entertainment industry.
As time continues on; Jocelyn has played many roles within the industry including marketing, PR, and freelancing A & R for many record labels wanting to groom and flourish fresh indie artist and seasoned artist to reach their fullest potential. As being a digital relations guru isn’t fulfilling enough; Jocelyn is a well known contributing writer, producing content for over 40 hip hop blogs. The opportunities Jocelyn created for herself has paid off as she holds her prestigious positions as the head of programming at Rapfest, the Programming Director of Hot 97’s “New Mvmt” as well as being the CEO and Founder of her company,’The Press Play Agency’. ‘The Press Play Agency’ is a digital relations firm; creating PR and Marketing opportunities for artists that are wanting to push the envelope and develop into their fullest potentials throughout the entertainment industry.
Jocelyn Rivera has become the face of ‘digital relations’, a wave in the entertainment industry that shows no signs of slowing down. The Hype Magazine has taken the time to chat with Ms. Rivera about her humble upcoming and what to expect in the future.
The Hype Magazine: When did you realize that you were meant to curate and work in the entertainment industry?
Jocelyn: When i noticed there was a gap, between affordable marketing strategies and fun events I had to fill that gap.
The Hype Magazine: How long did it take to make The Press Play Agency form from a dream to a reality?
Jocelyn: It kind of just happened, I started off doing small pr packages as ‘Jar Pr’. It took me a year to build my brand enough to re brand and become ‘The Press Play Agency’.
The Hype Magazine: What has been Press Play Agency’s biggest achievement thus far?
Jocelyn: We’ve done so much but I’d have to say in the last month culture fest it was a super dope event with over 1k attendees. My agency covered the guest list & press efforts. My artist Gangtivity also did an outstanding job and performing twice,
The Hype Magazine: What opportunities do you believe helped to put The Press Play Agency and yourself on the map in the entertainment industry?
Jocelyn: My personality and definitely my honesty along with my willingness to learn and be open with my clients. Also, showcasing every step of the process mainly on social media.
The Hype Magazine: Were there any obstacles that made you question your position in the entertainment industry?
Jocelyn: My age. A lot of the time people do not take me seriously or believe I know what I’m talking about and also being a female in a male dominated industry.
The Hype Magazine: What advice would you give women that are trying to break into the entertainment energy?
Jocelyn: Be bold, honest and always yourself.
The Hype Magazine: Tell us about your future projects we should we look out for from The Press Play Agency and your own endeavors as Jocelyn Rivera?
Jocelyn: Bigger events, bigger clients & bigger campaigns!