Rhyme Report

Published on December 30th, 2019 | by Makenna Maness @MakameraLive


Melanie Martinez / Lauren Ruth Ward Inspire In Dallas, TX

When I found out I would be covering the Melanie Martinez K-12 Tour stop in Dallas, I knew I was in for a real treat; and boy, I was not disappointed!

Like many others I had enjoyed watching Melanie’s recent album-movie debut. K-12 was a mysteriously chilling yet completely comforting, and a tiny bit sexy, visual interpretation of her most anticipated musical works. It was exciting to attend a concert that I knew would include theatrical sets and passionate performances, and I arrived eager to see what was to come.

First, we were introduced to an absolutely incredible artist and performer, Lauren Ruth Ward. What a firecracker! She took the stage by storm and gave an unforgettable show while simultaneously making each audience member feel an intimate connection, as if she was their friend. Her voice was phenomenal, her lyrics compelling, and her stage presence ultimately powerful. Like many others, experiencing her performance made me proud to be a woman, and helped me recognize strengths within myself.

Afterwards, audience members rushed from their seats, at risk of missing Melanie’s performance, just to hug Lauren and thank her for her art. She was undeniably humble and grateful for each and every person in that line; shocked at the response and repeating several times, “wow! this is for us? you’re here to meet us? wow thank you, this line is for us!!?!!?” (insert brain-explosion emoji, because that’s exactly what her face looked like in this moment). Needless to say, I’m now a huge fan.

The highly-anticipated performance by Melanie Martinez was no less of a sensational act. Each and every song was so animated, so personal, so filled with meaning as she sang them; it was difficult not to get star-struck along with the rest of the venue! Melanie’s fans and followers are die-hard, and the room echoed with the choir of them all singing along with their favorites melodies, in beautiful unison. As I predicted, the sets and theatrics were detailed and filled with magic; filling you with the urge to join her on stage and absorb yourself in her pastel-pink playground world.

Though she fell ill with a hoarse voice just a few days after, the audience had no idea she was under the weather, because she truly gave it her all as if it was her first and last show. It’s clear that she’s not only a talented singer, but a true artist and performer, filled with creative energy and care. Her presence felt sweet and genuine, and her hard work on this recent album, film, and tour has made a significant impact on her fans and the music world surrounding her. Thank you Melanie for an unforgettable show!

Photos & Review by: Makenna Maness

Instagram: @MakameraByMakenna

Twitter: @MakennaManess



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About the Author

Makenna Maness is a passionate photographer who specializes in live music and portraits. You can find more of her work here:MakameraLive.com @MakameraLive

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