Amber Donoso: Breaking Barriers The Hype Magazine: Unveiling the Pulse of Urban Culture - From Hip Hop to Hollywood! Explore a Diverse Tapestry of Stories, Interviews, and Impactful Editorials Spanning Fashion, Gaming, Movies, MMA, EDM, Rock, and Beyond! - The Hype Magazine The Hype Magazine - News From Hip Hop To Hollywood!


Published on February 10th, 2020 | by MuzikScribe


Amber Donoso: Breaking Barriers

Currently burning up the airwaves with her sizzling entry, “Cheer You Up,” British / Chilean Latin-pop singer, Amber Donoso, is already a musical force to be reckoned with. So without further ado, let’s go on ahead and meet the London-based bilingual beauty…




Tell me your whole inception into music — When did you first become interested in it? And, how did it actually all begin for Amber Donoso?Ā 

Iā€™ve always been into music and performing. I remember being a child and doing shows for my friends and family, where Iā€™d imitate Shakira or Christina Aguilera. I found it so much fun! At the age of 10 was when I had decided I wanted to be a singer and a performer as a profession. I started playing the guitar and having vocal lessons; I found it was what made me happiest. Ever since that age, I have dedicated my life to music.

So where exactly do you hail from? And growing up there, who all did / do you consider to be your strongest musical influences?Ā 

Iā€™m half Chilean and half English. I lived in Chile for a couple of years at a very young age, and then moved to the UK where I have now been based ever since. My parents separated when I was very young, so I grew up within two different cultures. I always felt I recognized more with my Latin roots; I felt more Latina than British. However, I loved the diversity the UK had; I found it exciting and refreshing.

…Iā€™ve had many different influences within my artistry. Songwriting and vocal-wise, Lauryn Hill was a massive influence for me. I loved how sheā€™d be so raw and honest in her music, and not scared to speak her truth.

Performance and vocals: Shakira and Gwen Stefani were a huge part of my development as an artist. I thought, and still do think, they are incredible and very strong women. I love how Shakira moves; itā€™s almost superhuman, it’s mesmerizing…and I love Gwen Stefaniā€™s style and tom-boy look, but with a feminine twist.

…Reggaeton-wise: J Balvin, Daddy Yankee, Ozuna, Anuel, Rauw Alejandro and Lalo Ebratt, have also hugely inspired me.

At what particular point in time did you even opt to pursue music on a professional level?

Iā€™d say Iā€™ve been working professionally since the age of 18, 19. Iā€™m now 23 years old.

That being said, how do you classify your overall sound and / or style?Ā 

Iā€™d call myself a Reggaeton artist, but with an R&B spin.

Your latest single is entitled ā€œCheer You Upā€ — Tell me about this track specifically; how did it come to fruition?

I wrote the track on a balcony in the middle of Miami. My team and I wrote the song within an hour. It was extremely quick! The song just came so naturally and organically. I feel the song really is a real snippet into me as a person. It’s upbeat, but vulnerable at the same time; thatā€™s who Amber Donoso is.

What do you feel you bring to the music industry that we don’t already have in other performers?

I feel Iā€™m binding two different cultures which havenā€™t been hugely mixed before; Chilean and British. Itā€™s so exciting to me! Both cultures have key elements in my style and personality, and Iā€™m eager to share it with people.

Have you encountered any problems in getting to this point in your career?Ā Ā 

Absolutely! Iā€™d say Iā€™ve had many, many more downs than ups. My journey hasnā€™t been an easy one in any shape or form…but Iā€™ve never let that get in the way of me reaching my goals and getting to where I want to be. Iā€™m a very driven person, and I donā€™t take “no” for an answer if someone canā€™t see my version. Iā€™ll keep searching until I do find that person who believes in my project and what I have to offer.

…Iā€™d say within the final months of last year was when I really felt things were falling into place for me. I feel with the music industry it takes years of you building the foundations for your career before you start to see real effect of your work. Thatā€™s why it takes so much patience and persistence being an artist.

What do you want people to get from your music?Ā 

I want to provoke an emotion within people; whether thatā€™s happiness or whatever comes up for someone when they hear my music. I think a song provokes a different emotion in each person. We all have our own story to relate the song with; whether thatā€™s heartbreak or the best moments of our lives.

If you could collaborate with any one artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?Ā 

I have so many if Iā€™m honest…but Iā€™d say J Balvin would be an amazing one for me! I think heā€™s so incredibly talented in every way and just seems like an incredible person. Heā€™s very inspiring. Another would be Shakira, and I think sheā€™s a BOSS woman and puts on some of the best shows in the world.

If you could play any venue in the world, which one would you choose and why?Ā 

Iā€™d perform at the O2! Itā€™s always been a goal of mine. Itā€™s been the main massive venue Iā€™ve grown up with and witnessed some of my favorite artists play it. It would be an honor for me!

One track of yours that you think defines you and why?Ā 

Iā€™d say ā€˜Cheer You Upā€™ for reasons mentioned above, and also because I feel it showcases perfectly the mixture between my Latin roots and British roots.

In terms of longevity, what do you feel it is that will continue to sustain you in this grueling industry?Ā 

PERSISTENCE…and never giving up! Itā€™s the most important thing. Never let someone tell you youā€™re not good enough. Keep practicing your craft…you can never know too much, keep learning and educating yourself about your industry. And finally, surround yourself with good people who have your back.

Do you have any other outside / additional future aspirations, maybe even completely away from music?Ā 

Iā€™d like to do many things! Iā€™d like to have my own clothing line and make-up brand. Iā€™d also – way further down the line – like to have my own TV show discussing mental health, and speak about the struggles in my life and how Iā€™ve been able to overcome them. Iā€™d also like to work with children whoā€™ve lost a parent / parents and provide love and support.

To date, what has been your biggest career moment, at least thus far anyway?Ā Ā 

Iā€™d say going on ā€˜Sigamos De Largoā€™; a big TV show over in Chile. It was surreal for me. My first big TV appearance being in the country where Iā€™m from; it was amazing!

Looking ahead, say five or maybe even ten years from now, where do you see yourself?Ā 

Living all the things Iā€™ve mentioned above…putting music out, working with other artists, having my other projects Iā€™m working on and enjoying life.

As for the immediate, what’s next for Amber Donoso?

Iā€™ve got another single which is coming out later this month! Iā€™m so excited to share this with everyone. So Iā€™ll be doing press for that, as well as writing more material for the following singles. Iā€™m heading back to Miami for a month in March, so looking forward to being back in the sun.

Any “closing” thought(s) for our readers?

Just a massive thank you to my fans and followers for all the support and love. It means the world to me, and Iā€™m so grateful!



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