
Published on April 29th, 2020 | by Jameelah "Just Jay" Wilkerson


What Celebrities Do in Their Free Time

Celebrities live in a world very different from the average man or woman. From the lavish parties they attend to the structure of their work world, the movie and television stars must shine on and off the red carpet. That may be one of the reasons many stars spend their leisure hours in ways that can seem funny, ridiculous, or even daring. Here are six ways celebrities spend their free time.


Playing video games isnā€™t just part of the average personā€™s life ā€“ celebrities love to spend their free time slashing, hacking, and fighting in fantasy worlds and battlefields as much as you do. Megan Fox claims she is an addict of shooters, and so does Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriquez, and Snoop Dogg. If you are off in a fantasy world of raids and flying dragons, you may find yourself fighting alongside Henry Cavill or Mila Kunis. Other gamers include Drake, Justin Bieber, and Zac Efron.


As busy as celebrities are making movies, when they have a free moment, many of them choose to volunteer in an effort to make the world safer, cleaner, and better. Oprah Winfrey built a school for girls in South Africa and donates money each year toward underprivileged education. Taylor Swift focuses on children of bullying and abuse, and Mel Gibson helps hospitals treat children that are seriously ill.


Celebrities have millions of dollars to play with, so it makes sense that they would love to place wagers on almost anything and everything they can think of. From roulette in a casino to poker with friends, some movie stars take betting very seriously. Charlie Sheen, Tobby Maquire, and Ray Ramano all love online sports betting and admit to playing almost every day. 50 Cent and Derren Brown enjoy gambling on sports and in casinos, while Pamela Anderson would rather play the slot machines.


As if being a famous movie star was not enough, some celebrities started a thriving business in their free time. Jessica Alba and Kristen Bell each started a childrenā€™s focused business, and both companies are doing very well. Paul Newman built a salad dressing business that turned into a business empire. Robert DeNiro opened popular restaurants, and George Clooney just sold his tequila company for $1 billion. Jennifer Aniston has a personal care business, and Kate Hudsonā€™s company makes athletic clothing.


It isnā€™t surprising that celebrities would use some of the money they make to build a collection of their favorite things. What is surprising is the strange items the movie and television stars collect. Tom Hanks has an assortment of over 120 antique typewriters, and Leonardo DeCaprio collected so many action figures he had to get rid of some of them. Angelina Jolieā€™s love of daggers began as a preteen, and she even presents her children with blades. Demi Moore collects vintage dolls, and Mike Tyson loves X-Men tiny action figures.


If you are out on the winter slopes enjoying a day of skiing, donā€™t be surprised if you run into Cameron Diaz, Cher, or Brooke Shields. If you are more into sunshine and horses, the next time you visit a horse stable, you may find yourself riding with Jamie Foxx, Julia Roberts, or Kaley Cuoco. If you take time for an afternoon of snowboarding, you may see Katy Perry, Kendall Jenner, Orlando Bloom, or David Beckham.

It appears that television and movie stars are not all that different than the average person when it comes to how they spend their free time. So, no matter what you enjoy doing in your leisure hours, you may find yourself running into a celebrity doing the same thing.

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About the Author

Publisher and CEO of The Hype Magazine. Follow me on Twitter @HypeJustJay

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