
Published on March 23rd, 2021 | by Al Geiner


Interview With Author Douglas Davis…Part ONE


We sat down for a two-part interview with first-time Author Douglas Davis of Yoga A Love Story…A modern-day mystical Love story that takes the reader from the world of drugs and prostitution in the West to the serene landscapes of North-Eastern India. Making the reader realize there is a bigger plan for all of us and try as we may it can not change one’s destiny. 


The book is slated to come out early Spring 2021  and you can preOrder here

The novel YOGA: A Love Story ~ Tells the tale of  John Yogacara Asanga. A direct descendent of the eponymous saint Asanga, John is yet to realize his destiny. For now, he is just a young man grappling with his part-Indianness in an American world. Through the pages of this book, we accompany John on his journey from the safety of Kokomo, Indiana, the city he called home, through the world of drugs and prostitution in Chicago and his days in prison in America to an ashram in India where he meets Aanya, his soulmate from a previous life, to finally discovering his destiny as an Asanga.   From Indiana to India to the centre of the earth and back, Yoga, a Love Story takes you on a journey that will enthral you and also open to you the secrets of yoga, the universe and of love and life. 

Douglas W. Davis is a writer, father, husband and a constant spiritual seeker. He has a passion for Eastern and Western religions, particularly how they are intertwined. He currently resides in Los Angeles, California with his family and his two poodles. His lifelong goal is to unite all religious and spiritual seekers by revealing they all stem from the same tree.   

Part ONE…

If you had to give up either snacks and drinks during writing sessions, or music, which would you find more difficult to say goodbye to? 

It would be most difficult to give up music. When I am writing first drafts, music always gets me I the flow. I pick music that is from the region about which I am writing or reflects the mood of the scene.  It puts me where I need to be.

Which is your favourite season to write in, and why?

Fall is my most favorite season. Fortunately I live in Malibu and the weather is fall like constantly. Cool in the morn and evenings and warm enough during mid day.

If you had the opportunity to live anywhere in the world for a year while writing a book that took place in that same setting, where would you choose?

Tuscany, the bucolic setting, the amazing food, wine and history create amazing ambiance. In fact, several chapters Pic Of this book were written in Tuscany.

Picture this: You feel uninspired and you’ve sat at the computer for an hour without conquering any words. How do you get your creativity flowing?  

I get my creativity flowing by finding the right music and by writing about scenery and background. Once I set the scene with specificity, the characters begin to tell their story and I just record it.

What has influenced you the most as a writer?

Nature from fecund forests to blue lakes and oceans influence me the most. Also great writing from the likes of James Baldwin, Langston Hughes, T.S. Eliot, William Faulkner and Hemmingway.  Brian Doyle as well.

Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? Why?

I prefer physical books. I like to read from a page.

What is your preferred font to write in?

Times New Roman and Calibri

Do you use any special writing software? If so, what is it, and what are a few of your favourite perks?

No special writing software. I use Word

What is your most unusual writing quirk?

I only write as long as I feel the muse is speaking through me. When it is just my voice I stop.

Do you feel like it’s most important to have A) Strong characters B) Mind-blowing Plot twists or C) Epic settings?

I think the strong characters lead the way. However, plot twists make it fun to write. Sometimes the characters create the plot twists.  In this novel, I never intended to go to India but the character took me there and I enjoyed the ride.

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