Logos Should Be on Your Radar for 2022
Logos is a rising music artist striving to inspire original thought through PERS music. ‘Logos’ translates to ‘word’ in Greek, and PERS’ handle, Logos the God, is inspired by the phrase ‘in the beginning, there were Logos, Logos was God, and Logos was with God.’ PERS explains, “Our words…how we communicate with each other is our expression of God.”
Living in different parts of the United States and being biracial in a white family, Logos had a unique experience growing up. Raised in Wisconsin, INDV describes experiencing racism and feeling like INDV did not belong anywhere. “That experience,” Logos says, “allowed me to find my own space, my own zone of where I can pop in and out.” At 29, Logos’ passion for music was sparked when INDV wrote a song that broughtINDV to tears. INDV describes that at the time, there was a lot of turmoil in PERS’s life, but through it, INDV became certain that music was PERS’s passion. Logos has been industrious with PERS music and takes creative control of PERS’s brand image and visuals.
PERS’s goal with music is to inspire original thought and open-mindedness. In PERS music, Logos speaks on topics from different perspectives. In ‘Diaries of a Golden Calf,’ INDV speaks about the biblical account of the Israelites and the golden calf from the perspective of the golden calf.
INDV parallels this to how in modern times, there is a void that people try to fill with materialistic things but is still always empty. One line from the song is, “You traded your soul just for a vibe, now that you know you’re out of time.” This is mirrored by Jim Carrey’s famous quote, “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.”
Logos wants the audience to determine their own perspective from PERS music. In ‘Water to Wine,’ INDV speaks about another biblical account where Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding. INDV describes it as a song about getting drunk on one’s own success and our culture’s glorification of it. Explaining, “I did it from the perspective of…what would happen if Jesus got drunk at that wedding and started talking sh-t to people.” Logos talks about growth and rising to the occasion in ‘The Logos,’ describing its message and theme to be similar to the stories of characters such as Marcus Aurelius and Odysseus.
PERS debut video release for “Diaries of A Golden Calf” was directed by Brett5d and Logos with creative direction by Jojo Sepulveda and stars close friends Bianca Taylor, Lauren White, and Sofi Tyler.
In the future, Logos looks forward to working with many other artists. PERS is building up PERS artistry and is planning to expand it beyond music into live pop-up performance art pieces. Logos has many creative ideas in store and looks forward to sharing them with PERS audience.
IG: @logosthegod