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Published on May 21st, 2024 | by Dr. Jerry Doby


Propane: The Future of Green Energy? 

Every homeowner and renter knows the stress of the monthly energy bill. Costs continue to rise and it’s difficult to reduce energy usage. Add on the push towards environmentally friendly alternatives and you’re looking at popular solutions that are daunting and potentially cost-prohibitive.

Instead of installing costly solar panels and retrofitting an existing gas system to electric, consider replacing your natural gas with propane. Propane may not seem cutting-edge, but you’ll be surprised by how far it has come. Not only is propane a better environmental choice than natural gas, the newer biopropane is even more promising. 

Choosing propane for your energy needs could cut your energy costs, improve the air quality in your home, and meet your green energy goals.  

Ready to learn more about the benefits of propane and how it can fuel your transition to green energy? Read on! 

What is Propane?

Propane comes from natural gas. It is one of the byproducts of processing fossil fuels such as natural gas or crude oil. 

When propane is pressurized it becomes a liquid, making it easier to store and transport. As a fuel source, it burns hotter than natural gas and is consumed more slowly. 

Renewable propane, or biopropane, is not made from fossil fuels but from vegetable oils, natural fats, or used cooking oil. Chemically, renewable propane is identical to propane. This is important because any home that uses propane can switch to biopropane without altering existing heating systems. 

Why Choose Propane?

Propane is Clean Burning

Although natural gas is considered a “clean” fuel source, it creates methane when burned. 

Propane and renewable propane, however, produce very little greenhouse gas when consumed. 

The news gets even better: the carbon intensity of renewable propane is four times lower than traditional propane. Renewable propane isn’t a fossil fuel so it produces very little carbon dioxide compared to fossil fuels like natural gas and propane. 

This is just as important inside your home as outside

From mold to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and even particulates from burning natural gas, the indoor air quality of your house can negatively affect your health. Renewable propane burns cleaner and can reduce the health hazards indoors.   

Finally, clean-burning fuels like propane are easier on your appliances. With fewer particulates produced, your appliances may last longer and require less maintenance. 

Propane is Safe

Natural gas is highly combustible, making it tricky to transport, store, and use. It has a wide temperature range at which it can ignite and must be carried via pipelines to your home and carefully controlled to avoid failure. 

On the other hand, propane is pressurized to turn it from a gas into a liquid. In the liquid state, it’s stored in tanks with extensive safety features, and explosions are rare. It is less flammable than natural gas. 

Unlike natural gas, propane is delivered via truck, pumped into your storage tank, and piped into your home. The tanks are environmentally friendly and will not leak if you source reliable propane tanks for sale. Reputable companies have highly trained professionals who install them safely and correctly to meet all regulations. 

Liquid propane is also a safe choice for the environment. Since it’s a non-toxic fuel, spills onto soil or water will not create contamination like natural gas. 

Propane is Efficient and Cost-effective

Fuel prices, like everything else, continue to increase. Whether using natural gas or electricity to heat your home and run appliances, you’ve likely felt the squeeze of higher energy bills.

Propane and natural gas are often similar in price, but propane has the increased benefit of being more efficient at heating a home than both natural gas and electricity. Since propane is extremely dense, it burns hotter and heats faster. So although initial costs may not appear lower, you’re using less fuel and saving money. 

Another cost reduction comes from propane production. Both traditional and renewable propane can be produced locally. This reduces the cost of transportation, eliminates costly pipelines stretching across the country, and contributes to local economies. 

Is Propane the Right Green Energy for You?

Traditional or renewable propane may not work for every home. 

However, if you’re looking for cost-effective, green alternatives to natural gas or electric energy then you should consider your options. And while biopropane is less common than regular propane, increased demand will increase availability. Access to biopropane can improve the air both inside and outside our homes, and continue to fuel the green energy movement. 

Before you commit to any changes, reach out to a propane tank service in your area. Most companies will provide estimates for tanks, installation, and line hookups. Consider a company that will sell you a tank instead of leasing one – you’ll reduce your costs even more if you buy your tank and shop around for the best propane price. 

About the Author

Editor-in-Chief of The Hype Magazine, Media and SEO Consultant, Journalist, Ph.D. and retired combat vet. 2023 recipient of The President's Lifetime Achievement Award. Partner at THM Media Group. Member of the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture, the United States Press Agency and ForbesBLK.

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