First things first, who exactly is ToshaMakia? ..." /> ToshaMakia: "If You Can Think It, You Can Be It!" The Hype Magazine: Unveiling the Pulse of Urban Culture - From Hip Hop to Hollywood! Explore a Diverse Tapestry of Stories, Interviews, and Impactful Editorials Spanning Fashion, Gaming, Movies, MMA, EDM, Rock, and Beyond! - The Hype Magazine The Hype Magazine - News From Hip Hop To Hollywood!


Published on October 30th, 2014 | by Jameelah "Just Jay" Wilkerson


ToshaMakia: “If You Can Think It, You Can Be It!”

First things first, who exactly is ToshaMakia?

ToshaMakia is a positive, strong and focused inspiration for men and women. I’m a mother, a businesswoman, a go getter and a voice for many.

How then did you get your start in the modeling/fashion world?

I’ve always had a love for modeling and fashion. I started out as a singer and fell in love with radio and hosting, which introduced me to modeling. After going through domestic violence and back surgery some time ago,Ā  I used fitness to take my life back. I feel and look better than ever now, and I want to use my success story to encourage and empower others that share the same experiences. So while music is my first love, Iā€™m rather loving my relationship with fashion as well.

From there, you branched out into a very successful career in radio — How did that whole transition actually come about?

Radio was an opportunity presented to me while touring with my first single “Be Yourself.” I wanted to be closer to my daughter, so I took on the challenge of radio; then fell in love with it.

Tragically, it’s been reported that one morning you woke up and from the onset started experiencing back pains that progressively worsened throughout your day — What do you remember most about that devastating time in your life?

I was sitting on my couch, I stood up, and my mother says she heard a loud pop. Then, I felt something strange — almost (a) numb feeling in my leg — and a few days later it was difficult to walk. I dealt with that for over a year…I gained a lot of weight from steroid injections, steroid pills, pain meds and more. It was tough, maybe even a little depressing; but I pushed. I showed up to work on time, and did my job. Radio is very competitive though; so eventually I was let go in the midst of all the turmoil.

When you finally sought out medical attention, what were the doctor’s findings?

I had bursitis in my left hip, a fractured vertebra and 2 bulging discs.

From what/where do you think that condition originally derived from?

It could’ve been a fall in the snow, a past abusive relationship, or my pregnancies…Who knows.

How then did that diagnosis ultimately affect your life?

It humbled me. My daughter, D’Naeja, and mother, Liz, would help me bathe and use the restroom; a moment that made me consider suicide, so I wouldnā€™t be a burden to my family. I realized if I did that I would be giving up on my family and they were the ones that are pouring their blood, sweat and tears into seeing me get back on my feet. From there it was simple, either let this temporary moment in my life keep me down or take my life back and become an inspiration for my family and peers.

I understand that through, of course, surgery, but, maybe even equally important, both fitness and exercise, it drastically helped you fully regain your life, after having it completely derailed due to said situation — Is that what you meant when you declared, “Fitness saved my life?”

Yes, getting back to where I felt stronger physically built me to be stronger mentally. I reached out to a good friend of mine, Strawn Wilson of Wilson’s Training, in High Point, North Carolina. His motto was as long as I didn’t give up, he didn’t give up on me. Every day I pushed myself more and more. Strawn helped me build my body back in a yearsā€™ time. He knew what my surgery did to me and knew how to use that to push me; there was no room for excuses! I already hit a low point in my life…I couldnā€™t go anywhere but up.

How is “life” different for you nowadays?

I no longer make excuses on why I can’t go outside and play with my babies. Getting dressed for business meetings or to meet girlfriends, is no longer a job or stressor. I beat what most people would allow to keep them down, and I hope I’m an inspiration for others. My children didn’t deserve a mother full of excuses. I remember my 6 year old telling my 3 year old, ā€œMommy canā€™t walk, let her rest.ā€ That was a motivating moment for me. I didn’t want my children to have to care for me. Itā€™s my job to motivate them and inspire them to be great, not the other way around. I currently landed a position in the Artist Development Department for All In Music Group, assisting Mel Smith and Jet Life George Forte find and develop talent. My trainer and I have discussed entering bikini competitions, which is another avenue I am highly considering. I live by: “Don’t make it hard, make it happen.ā€

In having said that, what are your future plans and/or goals? What do those even entail?

At the end of the day, I have always been in love with entertainment. I just received my Personal Trainers License, so I am working on entering the Fitness Industry. I know what it did to change my life, and would love to use Fitness to tell my story and empower others. ā€œFitness Saved My Lifeā€…If I can do this, so can you!

Success, define yours? And also, what do you think it is that will keep sustaining you in the world of entertainment?

Success to me is loving what you do, while being able to take care of your family. Music, Fitness and Modeling, is important to me currently. So as long as I can inspire and help others, I’ll be here for a long time. My gift is to move others, and that is something I’ll always do and truly enjoy.

To date, what has been your biggest career moment?

Being a mom, having my own records on many radios stations, being a survivor, beating high blood pressure and potential diabetes, losing 96 lbs to save my life. Rising above when others expected me to fall in every bad situation; I rose above it all!

Looking ahead, say five or even ten years from now, where do you see yourself?

Somewhere on a National platform sharing my story and changing lives. The sky’s the limit with me, so you never know. Follow me on Instagram/Twitter to keep up: @ToshaMakia.

As for the immediate, what’s next for you, ToshaMakia?

More modeling opportunities, more major photo shoots, music videos and hosting. I plan on doing bikini competitions with my trainer, and just working on getting better every day. I am learning more about myself, and allowing myself to think outside of the box. You Know, finally enjoying life.

Is there anything I left out or just plain forgot to mention?

I just want people to believe in themselves; to know there isn’t anything you can’t accomplish. I love to inspire others to do great things in their lives…Contact me via social media for tips or if you need someone to relate to. I have been through a lot and just want to pass on what I have learned.

Any “closing” thoughts for our readers?

Never allow the thoughts or assumptions of others, and never box yourself in.Ā  If you can think it, you can be it!

Interviewed By: Hype Staff

About the Author

Publisher and CEO of The Hype Magazine. Follow me on Twitter @HypeJustJay

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