Tell me your whole inception into entertainment -- When di..." /> Ashley Brinton: "A Next-Generation J.Lo!" The Hype Magazine: Unveiling the Pulse of Urban Culture - From Hip Hop to Hollywood! Explore a Diverse Tapestry of Stories, Interviews, and Impactful Editorials Spanning Fashion, Gaming, Movies, MMA, EDM, Rock, and Beyond! - The Hype Magazine The Hype Magazine - News From Hip Hop To Hollywood!


Published on January 11th, 2015 | by Jameelah "Just Jay" Wilkerson


Ashley Brinton: “A Next-Generation J.Lo!”

Tell me your whole inception into entertainment — When did your first become interested in it? And, how did it all begin for you?

Iā€™ve been interested in performing ever since I can remember. The excitement of becoming someone different really appealed to me. I enrolled in every school production I could, and I believe that my unofficial “public debut” might have been at my stepfatherā€™s birthday party when I was five!

Now you are a native of South Florida, correct? So, with that being said, who all have/had been your strongest influences?

South Florida is home to such cultural diversity that it is inevitable to be influenced by Latin or Caribbean/Island rhythms. Although those are not yet evident in my music, you might see them in the near future. For now, some of my favorite musical artists are Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey and Adele. Gwen Stefani is not only a musical idol of mine, but I also think her style sense rocks! In acting, I love Natalie Portman and Jennifer Lawrenceā€™s “freshness,” authenticity and acting styles.
At what point in time did you initially opt to pursue entertainment as a profession?

Iā€™ve always known that this is what I want to do. There is no doubt. I simply canā€™t see myself feeling as much joy doing anything else as I do when I perform. However, it has been during the past three years that I have begun training hard — vocals and acting — and going to as many casting calls as possible.

Let’s get into this new single of yours “Fairy Tale Ending” — Tell me about this track…How did it actually come to fruition?Ā 

After last yearā€™s “Come Along” single, I wanted to do something that was more representative of the issues that are relevant to kids in their teens, which differ from the light-hearted themes expressed in “Come Along.” Exuma [a district of the Bahamas] is my favorite place on earthā€¦I call it my ā€œHappy Place,ā€ and it is what inspired the song. Exuma is where I can truly escape “reality” and just be happy being a kid. There, I can swim with wild animals, find sand dollars and starfish on deserted beaches and just have good oleā€™ wholesome fun! My lyrics are about being a kid and being bored with suburban life and wishing to escape into that fantasy world that Exuma offers; into a paradise-like fairy tale ending.

…”Fairy Tale Ending” also touches upon the desire for young adults to step outside of their “comfort zone” and find excitement and adventureā€¦Possibly finding inspiration along the way for the life they want to live as adults.

…I began putting some thoughts down on paper, and next thing I knew the concept for the song came to life.

“Fairy Tale Ending” comes courtesy of your forthcoming debut EP — For someone, like myself for instance, who hasn’t heard the project in its entirety yet, what would you tell that person can be expected from it?

Expect a sound that is upbeat with a strong dance-track hook, accompanied by inspirational lyrics that all teen girls can relate to. The video is one Iā€™m so proud of and I canā€™t wait for everyone to see! It brought to life everything that I love about Exuma; where it was filmed, and which inspired the songā€™s concept. It captures that magical place that every teenager would love to escape into; where the impossible becomes possible and itā€™s just about pure fun and joy. I had a blast filming it and I think it comes across.

The set’s upcoming 2nd offering is entitled “You’ll Know” and it’s accompanying video clip is said to feature Disney Channel’s A.N.T. Farm’s own Jake Short — How did this connection even come about?

A couple of years ago, I trained with one of the top on-set acting coaches for Disney. At the time, that person was coaching the cast of A.N.T. Farm, so I got to go on set and interact with the showā€™s cast when I traveled to L.A.; it was one of my favorite experiences in L.A. and it led to Jake Short and I developing a professional relationship.

In addition, you are also slated to appear in the soon-to-be released big screen thriller Broken Vows — What particular string of events led to your first movie role?

As a result of the relationships Iā€™ve developed with casting professionals in L.A., the Broken Vows opportunity came along. I always dreamed of being in a movie, so Iā€™m really excited to be a part of it. And, the fact that itā€™s a psychological thrillerā€¦How cool is that?

What all can you tell me about playing the role of Daisy? And, what exactly was it like for you working alongside fellow actors Wes Bentley , Jaimie Alexander and Cam Gigandet, among others?

I play the role of Daisy, the flower girl in the wedding. Jaimie was beautiful as the bride, and I got to carry her train down the aisle. It really felt like she was my big sister!

Wes Bentley was amazing! He plays the villain so well. On set, he was super creepy as a stalker, but as a person he was such a sweetheart. The entire cast was so helpful to me and was very supportive. It was an unforgettable experience and now I want to do movies for the rest of my life!

What do you feel it is that will be the ultimate key to your success?

Focus, dedication and training. As long as I stay focused on my goals, put in the time and effort that those goals require and continue working hard to get better all the time, I believe that I will achieve the success that I have been dreaming of all my life.

Do you have any other outside/additional aspirations, maybe even completely away from entertainment?

Yes. Aside from what I aspire to achieve professionally, I am also very involved with social and philanthropic causes which are very important to me, and which I will continue to make time for.

To date, what has been your biggest career moment, thus far anyway?

The launch of “Fairy Tale Ending” is the biggest yet. I love the music video and how beautiful it turned out! However, the new song I just recorded and its music video — filming in New York City scheduled for late December — will definitely be my biggest yet!!

Looking ahead, say five or maybe even ten years from now, where do you see yourself?

I see myself as a triple-threat; recognized for my singing, acting and dancing ability…A next-generation J.Lo!

As for the immediate future, what’s next for you, Miss Ashley?Ā 

Iā€™ll be working on writing and recording more music, making more videos and hopefully doing more movie or TV work. The skyā€™s the limit and Iā€™m in this for the long haul! In the meantime, look for my Christmas single out very very soon!


By: Todd Davis

About the Author

Publisher and CEO of The Hype Magazine. Follow me on Twitter @HypeJustJay

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