
Published on March 1st, 2015 | by Jameelah "Just Jay" Wilkerson


4EY “The Future”: Takin’ The Industry By Storm

First things first, please introduce for me the members of 4EY The Future…

I’m Mechie So Crazy, TreAnthony & Kenny Iko, and together we are 4EY “The Future!”

Let’s hop right into this brand new single, “Scoot Ova” — Tell me about this particular track? And, how did it even come to fruition?

Yeah, “Scoot Ova” has started a dance Craze around the world and all over social media. We are so excited about this song and how fast it’s been taking flight all over the Internet and radios. We were in ATL recording with Zaytoven Beats and the beat came on…Someone just started saying, “Scoot ova, you too close!” And, there you have it.

Reflecting, how did the three of you actually come together to form the trio?

Kenny Iko was signed to 4EYMG as a solo artist first…Then, Mechie got signed and our CEO, Russell Webster, had the idea to make us a group. We needed one more member, so Mechie brought on TreAnthony. Then, we formed 4EY.

Now where exactly do you all hail from? And growing up, who all did/do you consider to be your strongest musical influences?

Kenny Iko was born and raised in Washington, DC. Mechie, born and raised in Washington, DC. TreAnthony, born and raised in Suitland, Maryland. We would say our biggest musical influences are Michael Jackson, (The) Jackson 5, Usher, Jodeci and The Beatles.

How then would you all describe and/or define the style of music that you all create and perform?

We would describe our style as a mixture of all our musical influences. We took from all our favorite artists and created, with a twist, 4EY. We believe in bringing back the art of performing. Our music is full of high energy, unexpected, and timeless.

Individually, what do each of you bring to the proverbial “creative table,” both personality and professional-wise, when it comes to the overall “vibe” and/or sound of 4EY “The Future?”

TreAnthony brings the hard bad boy image to the group; he’s the rapper and the most likeliest to get into some type of trouble; nothing bad! He is also the comedian and keeps the group laughing.

Kenny Iko brings the creativity and (is) very fashionable. He also brings a great voice to the group. He keeps the group level headed and keeps the peace.

Mechie So Crazy, with his unique look gravitates the ladies. He’s the athletic member; he plays all sports. He’s (a) great singer and dancer.

With that being said, where did the moniker 4EY “The Future” originally derive from?

We are signed to 4EY Music Group, and since we are the first male group we thought it would be great to make that our name.

What do you all feel you offer the music industry that we don’t already have in other performers?

We bring originality, authenticity and a breathe of fresh air to the industry. We feel that the industry is missing that! We (are) just here to make good music and have a lot of fun in the process.

Have you all encountered any problems in getting to this point in your career?

We’ve been fortunate enough to have a strong team to help elevate any unnecessary problems. However, we’ve had people to think we are just another ordinary boy group, until they see us live and see that nothing about us is ordinary.

What do you all want people to get from your music?

We want people to listen to our music and get inspired to be themselves and just be free. We want people to understand we go through things too, but we just sing about it.

If you all could collaborate with any one artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?

We would most definitely have to say Michael Jackson! He is an icon. Not only was he a huge music influence to millions, he did so much more as a humanitarian and businessman.

If you all could play any venue in the world, which one would you choose and why?

We would say Madison Square Garden because only the best of the best performs on that stage. Once you perform there, you know you made it!

One track of yours that you think defines you all and why? 

We would say “Scoot Ova.” It represents what we stand for as artists in the industry. We don’t want to be categorized! Just like how you wouldn’t think that song would have been done by a group.

What are your future plans and/or goals for sustaining longevity in music?

We are a very business minded group. We plan to stay in the studio and to make more and more innovative music. We also plan to venture off to acting and modeling as well. Since we all have love for fashion, we are coming out with a high end clothing line called “Vagaro”…Coming soon!

Do each/any of you all have any other outside/additional aspirations, maybe even completely away from music?

Eventually, but as of right now music and our group is our plan A, B and C.

To date, what has been your biggest career moment(s), at least thus far anyway?

There was a moment when we were at one of our first shows, we were leaving off the stage after a performance and about 50 girls mobbed us. It was our first real encounter with our fans. It was so early in our career, which made it so special.

Looking ahead, say five or maybe even ten years from now, where do you all see yourselves?

We see ourselves winning GRAMMYs, atop Billboard charts, doing movies, and having huge endorsement deals. Most importantly, we see ourselves still a group.

As for the immediate, what’s next for 4EY “The Future?”

Tours and getting our single “Scoot Ova” to the top of the Billboard charts! Also, just taking the industry by storm.

Is there anything I left out or just plain forgot to mention?

Yes, we love our team4EY! Also, you can visit our social sites: all @wer4ey and

Any “parting” message(s) for our readers?

Its the 3 H’s we live by: Hard Work, Stay Humble and Hungry! Stay forever young.

By: Todd Davis

About the Author

Publisher and CEO of The Hype Magazine. Follow me on Twitter @HypeJustJay

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