
Published on June 30th, 2015 | by Jameelah "Just Jay" Wilkerson


Angelina Lavo: Meet The “Gangsta Princess”

Tell me your whole inception into music — When did you first become interested in it? And, how did it all begin for Angelina Lavo?

I first became interested in music when I was a little girl and I’d always sit at my mom’s piano and play something not making any sense and just hit random notes with my fingers. So when I was 6 years old, my grandmother signed me up to music school. And, music school in Russia was very strict. I was constantly taking tests, exams, competitions, etcetera. I was doing really well at music school and so a lot of people thought I would go to music conservatory and become (a) professional pianist.

Being that you actually hail from Russia, growing up who did/do you consider to be your strongest musical influences?

You would be surprised, but my strongest musical influences are Madonna, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce’ and Rihanna. I think that’s also because they have beautiful videos and they dance a lot in them. It’s fun to watch a really elaborate show. I’ve actually been to some of their shows here in the U.S.. Some were disappointing, but one of them was really impressive; that was Beyonce’! I got chills down my back at her show. Definitely the best show and the voice I’ve ever seen and heard in my life.

At what particular point in time did you opt to pursue music on a professional level?

I would say that I got deeper and professional with music when I came to America. I find this country is continuously inspiring. It gives me the energy to make music.

How do you classify your overall sound and/or style?

My style is definitely dance pop, and I’m moving towards EDM and the club scene more and more.

As an extension to that last question, I understand you coined a more suitable nickname for yourself; “Princess with a Heart of a Gangster” — Please explain the significance behind this very unique nickname?

As I always say: All women are born princesses. And then life makes its own ā€œcorrectionsā€ to us through all the circumstances and situations that we face. So, these days we need to be tough and strong. That’s why I always like to say: We’re strong women, we work really hard…But we never forget that we are princesses!

Your single, “Fall in Love (Tonight),” and its remix, burned its way up the Billboard Dance Charts — Tell me about this track specifically? How did it actually come about?

I fell in love with New York; people, energy and wanted to make something funny and dance-y. With this song, I meant to “fall in love” in general; with anything you want…It could be the city, someone, or some things. It doesn’t matter; I just wanted to share love I had in that moment. Then, I got into the studio with a great team of course, and by being in such a great environment and having fun together we made this song come alive.

What do you feel it is exactly that will continue to sustain you in this grueling business of music?

First, my love is for the music. I can handle everything because I know what I want…I know I’m going my direction and nothing can stop me! My endless energy and work ethic won’t let me to go down in this business.

Do you have any other outside/additional future aspirations, maybe even completely away from music?

I cannot imagine me doing something serious away from music. My next thing I’ve started to work on last year is deejaying. First, I went to DJ school just for myself to get myself into music from (a) different side. But then I fell in love with it, so I made a real studio at home and started to practice. Now I’m recording my mixes, producing my own music and deejaying at the clubs in the City. That’s very exciting for me. So answering your question, my goal is to be better at what I’m doing now in music.

To date, what has been your biggest career moment, at least thus far anyway?

I think my biggest moment was when I met my first and favorite producer, Omen. People might think the biggest moment should be something really big, like (a) performance on the stage or I could, for example, mention the moment when I did (a) song with Twista and we shot (the) video together. But, all big moments are coming from small ones. It all won’t be happening if I hadn’t met Omen. He’s the one who introduced me to the industry here in the U.S..

Looking ahead, say five or even ten year from now, where do you see yourself?

I see myself making music as (a) producer and recording artist, touring as (a) DJ and recording artist with my show, having more work, a busy schedule, collaborating with other great deejays, and the most important…I see a great team working with me. I’m honored to work with great people now, so I hope these people will stay with me for that long, and I see an addition to the team of more professionals.

As for the immediate, what’s next for Angelina Lavo?

The next thing is more and more deejaying and more and more EDM releases. Right now, Iā€™m working on (a) new EDM track, which is about to release. Iā€™m very excited that it’s something completely different from what I did before.

Is there anything I left out or just plain forgot to mention?

No, you were pretty detailed!

Any “closing” thought(s) for our readers?

Just thank you for reading about me. I feel very lucky every day to follow my passion. And, a big shout out The Hype Magazine for supporting us artists!


By Todd Davis

About the Author

Publisher and CEO of The Hype Magazine. Follow me on Twitter @HypeJustJay

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