
Published on January 10th, 2016 | by Jameelah "Just Jay" Wilkerson


Companion Bag – The #1 Multi-Purpose Bag in America

The old saying, “It sounds too good to be true,” couldn’t apply less than to arguably the new “it” item for toddlers to seniors, the world over the revolutionary…Companion bag. We know, heard it all before, must be a publicity stunt, or better yet a down right fabrication… Well think again! Rarely if ever in a society that often places monetary gains over product quality has a commodity hit the market that one hundred percent exceeds the expectations of even the pickiest of customers, the way in which the Companion Bag has done. Ground breaking, cutting edge, and usually mesmerizing towers as spot on depictions of a game changing product poised to put huge smiles on the faces of men, women, and children of all ages globally.

The brainchild of UNC-Chapel Hill freshman, Lael Clark, a Fayetteville, North Carolina native and noted caregiver whose primary reason for inventing the Companion Bag was to provide ministering to the elderly. The daughter of a prominent North Carolina businessman whose grandparents both were born without the ability to speak nor hear, served as inspiration for Lael whose initial goal was to afford her grandmother who loves reading the Bible a multifunctional media player that would allow through the use of sign language DVDs allow “Granny,” to enjoy what she loves most…”the good book.” A psychology major whose career aspiration is to work with children suffering from mental illness, provides insight into a miraculous young woman who at the tender age of three years old started receiving visions from God to help those in need. What would follow next would be nothing short of astonishing. To say the Companion Bag is the first of its kind would probably be the biggest understatement ever made.

So ahead of its time the Companion Bag offers a ā€œto die forā€ assortment of much needed gadgets guaranteed to meet, (correction) exceed the wish list of all those normally incapable of being satisfied. You name it, and chances are it’s already in the bag From a sturdy but extremely durable nine inch TV screen, FM radio, MP3/MP4, multiple colors, compatible EVD, DVD, Video, CD, JPG, USB, remote controller, game controller, to a jaw dropping 300 Nintendo games. Featuring classics to include but not limited to Pack Man, Donkey Kong, Super Mario, Tetris, Jewelry, Double Dribble, and so much more. All for the unbelievable low price of $125.



Being a young lady of great faith explains Lael’s insisting on keeping the Companion Bag affordable to the masses which upholds her indelible mission of keeping the company humanitarian based. While the Companion Bag is visually appealing to most onlookers, perhaps the only qualities superior to the bag’s magnificent appearance are the plethora of uses it can afford it’s patrons. Such as being great for outdoor use, convenient diaper bag, listening to favorite tunes, operating as a school back pack, or quality office bag and last but certainly not least, serving as the ultimate marketing tool, be it for entertainment, purposes or otherwise.

So the next time you or someone you know is looking to gift someone in an extremely special and lavish way without spending a fortune, provide the gift of incredible companionship…in a bag, that is. For all information about this one of a kind product please log onto

Written by “The Voice” T.P. Frazier

About the Author

Publisher and CEO of The Hype Magazine. Follow me on Twitter @HypeJustJay

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