New Music: B. Cole "Everyday" The Hype Magazine: Unveiling the Pulse of Urban Culture - From Hip Hop to Hollywood! Explore a Diverse Tapestry of Stories, Interviews, and Impactful Editorials Spanning Fashion, Gaming, Movies, MMA, EDM, Rock, and Beyond! - The Hype Magazine The Hype Magazine - News From Hip Hop To Hollywood!

Rhyme Report

Published on September 22nd, 2016 | by Jason Bourne


New Music: B. Cole “Everyday”




With the success and numbers on his Riches Define Hustle album at a steady pace, Seattle, Washington MC B.Cole has decided to release a new single titled Everday. Check it out below:




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About the Author

Jason Bourne...amazing person and journalist...RIP and you'll always have a home with The Hype Magazine and in our hearts!We miss you my brotha! - Dr. Jerry Doby, Editor-in-Chief.

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