Live Sessions

Published on April 15th, 2017 | by Jae Monique


Interview with actor Aaron Bell

Aaron Bell is an actor and former model who has appeared on numerous films and TV shows. He has landed roles on HBOā€™s ā€œVeepā€, BETā€™s ā€œCriminals at Workā€, and Netflixā€™s ā€œHouse of Cards.ā€

Bell sat down for a discussion about his career and where heā€™s headed to next.

The Hype Magazine: Tell me about yourself and how long have you been doing your career?

Aaron Bell: I been in the industry for 11 years. I used to model for seven years and Iā€™m coming up on my 4th year of acting. I started back in D.C. from a newspaper for my first modeling gig at Howard University. For acting, Iā€™ve been in over 20 shows on 10 major networks. Iā€™ve been on MTV, USA, Law & Order, HBO ā€œVeepā€, ā€œHouse of Cardsā€, ā€œCreed.ā€ I did a movie with Kevin Hart, I guess theyā€™re still editing it. Iā€™ve been on Investigation ID, Nightmare Next door, TV One, BET ā€œCriminalā€™s at Workā€, ā€œCopycat Killersā€, ā€œHe Said She Said.ā€ Iā€™ve been putting in a lot of work for the last 11 years because Iā€™ve been doing it myself with the help of the man upstairs of course.

The Hype Magazine: What drew you into acting?

Bell: I thought at the time that modeling was my gift and when I found that I wasnā€™t going to get anywhere after so much time and work through the years, I was talking to one of my homeboys and he was telling me how he was going to be on ā€œLaw & Orderā€ and he had a couple of shows that were going on. I was like ā€˜What. Thatā€™s my show. I been watching that from way back in the day.ā€™ He gave me information and when I got on set, the transition of the love I had for modeling, it just carried over to acting. From there, I knew this is my platform and I just been running with it ever since. Iā€™m glad that I was able to transition from modeling to acting and itā€™s been 100 North and everything has been working.

The Hype Magazine: What do you like to do when youā€™re not on set?

Bell: Networking. Thatā€™s all I really do. Iā€™m on every social media site, Iā€™m going through all of the casting sites to try to figure out what my next move is. I get on Facebook a lot and I try to find people for podcasts or anywhere I can get to stay active and keep my name relevant in any way, shape, or form. Networking is the key to everything.

The Hype Magazine: So far, out of all the shows and films that youā€™ve been in, what would you say was your favorite character overall?

Bell: Steven on TV Oneā€™s ā€œFor My Man.ā€ I really had to relate to him. He was a drug addict and he was an abusive drug addict. To get into that character, it took me to another level. I actually had to portray it on TV and the feedback I got from it, it was just tremendous. People still talk about it today. I still get people calling me or inboxing me on Facebook or other social media sites saying ā€˜Hey, I just watched you last night on TV Oneā€™ and Iā€™m like, ā€˜Really?ā€™ And theyā€™re like, ā€˜Yea man, keep doing your thing and itā€™s good that you played that good roleā€™ and ā€˜Oh My God, it was so believable.ā€™

The Hype Magazine: What was that feeling like when your friends and family called you up and said ā€˜Hey, I saw you on TV?ā€™

Bell: Priceless. Itā€™s like winning the lottery when people call you and acknowledge your work and know that all the work you put in through the years is paying off and to get recognized by friends and family and people you may have met here and there, itā€™s a priceless feeling.

The Hype Magazine: Is there a character that you played so far that was your least favorite?

Bell: No. The way I am right now, Iā€™m trying to get my hands into everything. Every role that I get is a blessing. I havenā€™t come across a role where I was like ā€˜Uh, Iā€™m not playing this role right here.ā€™

The Hype Magazine: What celebrity would you like to work with on set?

Bell: Denzel. Heā€™s the top of everything. His name speaks for itself. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to do, Iā€™m trying chase Denzel to be the next Denzel and hopefully one day, I will be the next Denzel.

The Hype Magazine: I read that one of your aspirations is to be on ā€œEmpireā€ and ā€œPower.ā€

Bell: ā€œEmpireā€ and ā€œPowerā€ are the two things on my bucket list that I havenā€™t been able to accomplish, but Iā€™m working my tail off to try to find the right connections that can get me on set of either ā€œEmpireā€ or ā€œPower.ā€

The Hype Magazine: What are five things people donā€™t know about you?

Bell: I like to fix computers, I like cooking, I like working on cars.

The Hype Magazine: What other projects are you currently working on?

Bell: My Superhero course, his name is Argon. I created him. Basically, Argon is me. Itā€™s almost like Bruce Wayne during the daytime and at nighttime, heā€™s a superhero. Heā€™s out there standing up for justice. Thatā€™s a long-term project. Short projects right now, I have a film coming up with Kitty Faye. Sheā€™s filming for Kitty City. I been casted for Freddie Gray. He was a young guy who lived in Baltimore when he was killed by the police officers. I get to play one of the characters on there. For Kitty City, I get to play a DJ who goes on the radio and talks about love and Iā€™m giving advice to everybody who calls in about love, but then when I go home, itā€™s a different story. Iā€™m excited I get to play that role because that ties in heavy with my life. Then thereā€™s a movie called Creole.

Listen to “Interview with actor Aaron Bell” on Spreaker.

Social media:

Facebook: Aaronshowtimebell

IG: @Mrshowtime3083

Twitter: @Califinest3083


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About the Author

Contributing Editor Co-host and contributor to multiple media outlets. Interviewed celebs including Columbus Short, Darrin Henson, Claudia Jordan, Cocoa Brown and more.

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