Lil Dicky and Giant Propeller Talks About Staying Head Of The Pack ..
Giant Propeller is a marketing and advertising company founded by Jordan Freda (@jordanfreda) and Mike Bodkin. Jordan made a name for himself in Silicon Valley as the founder of a (now defunct) visual effects company called The Base Studio, which worked on over 28 feature films – many for Marvel Studios – as well as thinning out-edge commercials. Freda leveraged this recognition to become the Creative Director for emerging brands such as Inkkas, Selk’bag, Breathometer. As a result of his time working with these brands, Freda became keenly aware that traditional selling is obsolete, and his refusal to fall in line with mediocrity became driven by a passion for helping new brands explode across every digital platform available.
The vision to build a rule-smashing marketing agency to fulfill this passion came into sharp focus when Freda’s road-less-traveled merged with that of Mike Bodkin, at which stage the two digital outlaws realized their destiny was to join forces to create Giant Propeller.
Considers himself as a professional “creative problem solver,” and with over a decade of senior production experience under his utility belt, it’s easy to determine why. Bodkin started his calling in Hollywood helping studios such as Nickelodeon, Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros. And Dickhouse Entertainment on several high-profile motion pictures. Having sufficiently sharpened his creative problem-solving skills among these prolific companies, Bodkin was then taken to join Stereo D in its startup phase as the Vice President of Production to help structure and optimize their profits and procedures.
Over the course of just three years, Bodkin was instrumental in building Stereo D’s entire operations and management structures, which permitted them to scale from 30 employees to a thriving workforce of over 1,500. As an Executive Producer at Stereo D, Bodkin also added 35 blockbuster films to his resume and had the pleasure of collaborating directly with iconic filmmakers such as Guillermo del Toro, Steven Spielberg, and James Cameron, just to name a few. It was Bodkin’s dedication and ingenuity which helped Stereo D get on Fast Company’s competitive list for Most Innovative Companies of 2013. Currently, Bodkin is applying his ample talents to the creative agency Giant Propeller – along with his collaborator-in-crime, Jordan Freda. Together, they are making digital waves that are rocking all boats within the advertising and merchandising industries.
Giant Propeller has been work has had the opportunity to work on a variety of different projects that includes the #WatchPorn Campaign your time has come, Katy Perry’s E.T. Featuring Kanye West, Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men, The Avengers, Harry Potter, Nike, Google, Uber, Fairmont Hotel. Their most recent projects that they have been working on is Lil Dicky‘s (@lildickytweets) “Pillow Talking” and Juniper a luxury furniture brand.
Pillow Talking video took 9 months to create and the animated brain had 25 ideations and was created by mapping choreographer Ian Eastwood for the campaign. The unique challenge the Giant Propeller team had to overcome was entire worlds colliding together – an alien intrusion. Lil Dicky was incredibly involved and would designate out a single CGI brick in the wall of the set if it wasn’t exactly as planned.
The Hype Magazine had the opportunity speak with Giant Propeller and Lil Dicky briefly about the marketing process that continues to break barriers with every project and Lil Dicky’s most recent commercial with ESPN featuring the Ball family.
Jordan how has Giant Propeller to continually break marketing barriers not only with music content but content in general?
We work on unique projects and I think one of the things, that set us apart is exactly out clientele. We are an agency that focuses on emerging brands, artists, & projects and those individuals tend to be open minded allowing us to insert our creativity. This also allows us to make an impact on the overall helping our clients campaign and anything else that we release.
Being that Giant Propeller has been involved with a variety of visual content which projects at the top of your list?
I would have to say the Pillow Talk video we did with Lil Dicky the concepts and creation process was incredible. In addition, I will add another one by the name of Juniper and that can be found at That is a luxury furniture brand that Giant Propeller has help create the entire universe of with Eric Brand. This also shows our capability to bring a brand to market and developing the content surround the project. These two projects are definitely, in my opinion, is our best work to date.
Mike, how have you been able to apply the knowledge and work experience as an executive producer into various visual media you have produced?
Just the network of pure talent, as well as the clientele and people we have interacted through our previous careers, have come full circle. That has allowed us to be successful with our new venture Giant Propeller and our resources from feature filmmaking has been invaluable when conquering and emerging brands and talents.
What long did it take for you and the ball family come up with the cross-branding concept with ESPN?
It didn’t take long at all I was approached by ESPN to participating in a commercial related to the college basketball awards. During the creation process, we brainstormed who would be a good fit and they mentioned the Ball Family and it happens very quickly.