
Published on September 21st, 2017 | by Landon Buford


Actress Alice Amter Talks Triple G Fight and Upcoming Projects


Image Credit – Alice Amterā€

Actress Alice Amter (@aliceamter) is best known for her character from The Big Bang Theory “Mrs. Koothrappali”, but she has been a part of numerous other roles in film and television. Working alongside some of Hollywoods’ elite talent like Jennifer Aniston,Ā George Clooney,Ā Julianna Margulies, and Vin Diesel to name a few.Ā 

The Hype Magazine recently had the opportunity speak with the working actress to discuss her upcoming project “Beyond the Badge” as well as her being in attendance for the press conference featuringĀ between Canelo Alvarez and Gennady GolovkinĀ and her thoughts about the decision on September 16th. The full interview with the seasoned actors can be seen below!

Image Credit – Alice Amterā€

You recently attended the press conference between Canelo Alvarez and Gennady Golovkin, who was your favorite to win that fight on September 16th?

I am a GGG fan and I definitely expected him to come out victorious on September 16th, 2017.

I watched the whole fight & I couldn’t believe the judges’ decision to call it a draw. Neither could most people.Ā  GGG won that fight fair & square.Ā  Adelaide Byrd’s (one of the judges) scorecard was way off…..ending in a split decision.Ā  But anyone who watched the fight could see GGG won at least 8 rounds to Canelo’s 4. I’ll give Canelo the first two rounds & then

Canelo danced backward for most of the fight but GGG applied the most pressure continuously, with Canelo coming back in a panic at the end.Ā  There was a public outrage at the final decision.Ā  But GGG handled the controversy with total class & grace.

He comes off as a really nice, classy person in press interviews. Unlike Canelo whose blatant arrogance & refusal to even attempt to speak English show complete disrespect to the host country. Ā  I used to teach English to foreigners so I understand what they’re going through as non-native speakers.Ā  I also always try to speak the language of the host country when I travel. So I really don’t understand why Canelo doesn’t at least try.Ā  Particularly since speaking English would open so many other doors for him. It would be a win-win.


How hasĀ  The Big Bang Theory changed your life as an entertainer?

I credit the show as the main platform that put the Alice Amter brand on the map as people didnā€™t really know my work prior to being on the show, despite appearing in some other very high profile projects.Ā  I have to say that I came up with the appearance & look of ā€œMrs. Koothrappaliā€ myself because I knew if I showed up as looking like myself, I wouldnā€™t have gotten the role. After landing the role, & it being aired in about 77 countries globally and repeatedly on different networks in the U.S., my team & I have had to work hard to select roles and projects that set me apart from ā€œMrs. Koothrappaliā€ in order to avoid being stereotyped. Fans are always shocked when they meet me in person as I am so much younger and more modern than Mrs. Koothrappali. Consequently, I seldom get recognized.

Can you tell us about your character Satise in Beyond the Badge?

Satise is a therapist in the field of audiology and she is helping the main character with her hearing loss. What is great about this project for me is that I get to collaborate creatively with the writer/executive producer, Anita M.Cal. She is very open to ideas from the cast which is great & feels like a true collaboration.Ā  I also wanted to play someone that I have not played before. Someone who is just very real, with no accent,Ā  no heavy characterization, no costume.

And, also to have some say in the development of the character over time, including plot & story. I’m really excited about that aspect as that is new to me. In addition, the level of commitment and talent for this independently produced project was very high.Ā  Don Wallace is a good friend of mine & he was the one that introduced me to Anita & the project. I look forward to collaborating with them both in the future.

What was intriguing about the Beyond the Badge project that caught your attention?

It was an opportunity to be able to play something out of my usual comfort zone and being able to put a producer hat on as well.Ā  I have recently been looking to give myself more opportunities in the entertainment business. This project was brought to my attention, and I loved the script. So, I signed on and I am glad that I did.

Out of all the characters, you have played in the career which one was favorite?

VampiraĀ in the L.A. stage version ofĀ “Plan 9 from Outer Space”,Ā Mrs. KoothrappaliĀ from

The Big Bang TheoryĀ andĀ Marta from A Man Apart.Ā I played a badass Assassin in that movie & really enjoyed being directed byĀ F. Gary GrayĀ and working withĀ Vin Diesel.Ā I hope to do get back in that genre & would love to work with them both again in the future. They’re top-notch professionals & really cool people.

You’ve lived internationally in five different countries what are some of your favorite dishes?Ā 

My favorite dish from England would have to be an English Sunday Roast, or Steak and kidney pie with mashed potatoes, peas, and gravy. In Japan, I would have to say shrimp tempura and yakisoba. In Germany, some of my favorite dishes are Schnitzel, Bratwurst, & the German breakfast my German relatives used to make. In France, their steaks and Potatoes are good, but nobody does a steak like they do in the US.

What is your favorite brand of wine and prefer white or red?Ā 

Red Wine and my favorite variety is Cabernet Sauvignon.

Do you have any entrepreneurial ambitions outside of the entertainment business?

None that are outside of the entertainment business as they are all connected to the industry.

I would like to start my own English pub or restaurant, perhaps some kind of perfume or fashion line and start releasing some music in the future.

You have a degree in Foreign Languages, have you thought about partnering with Netflix or Hulu and creating your own content?

I definitely would be interested in partnering with those companies & working to create original content aimed at those platforms in the future.

I have heard and seen the reaction that The Big Bang Theory receives from the public when I travel overseas so I would definitely like to tap into other markets with my own content or brand.

Can you tell us what it was like working on the set of Scandal?

It was an amazing experience I had the opportunity to work with the entire cast.Ā  I must say it was kind of intimidating at first because of the whole cast was super well-known at the time in comparison to when I started on The Big Bang Theory. The experience allowed me to work out of my typical comfort zone and I appreciate Shonda and the rest of the team for that opportunity.

How do you juggle learning multiple scripts at the same time?

It takes a lot of practice and preparation. You simply get used to it.Ā  But my academic background is definitely helpful.

Who are some of your favorite artists?

Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley

You said in the past if werenā€™t an actress you would be in the CIA. Is there any specific location you would like to be located in and why?

If I had studied Arabic instead of German I would have to say the Middle East is where I would want to be stationed.Ā  Although these days I’m not so sure. I am very happy where I am.



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About the Author

Washington State Graduate Past Interviews include Grammy Award Winner Kenny G, David Banner, WNBA President Lisa Borders, What's Trending's CEO Shira Lazar, Ice Cube, NBC's Chicago PD LaRoyce Hawkins, Family Matters Darius McCrary, En Vogues Maxine Jones, Team USA Track & Field Member Norris Frederick, James Kyson, WNBA Great Lauren Jackson, and more.

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