Who Is?/Official Hype

Published on December 29th, 2018 | by Guest Contributor


Who Is Nashville’s New Star Sierra Molinda?


Where are we talking from today?

Nashville Tennessee

How did 2018 treat you?

It is amazing! My new album just came out, I just graduated from Trevecca Nazarene University, and I have 2 dogs, and am getting married April 27, 2019!

How did you get involved in music?

My grandmother influenced me to be a singer and inspired me to pursue music when I was young.

When did you make music a priority

Music has always been a priority for me.

What inspires you daily to write & record music?

God, my love for something fun and new and exciting!

Name 1-2 highly influential musicians that you listen to & respect?

David Nail
Miranda Lambert

When it comes to how the music enthusiast listens to your album do you prefer they buy or stream and why?

Stream because I want people to listen to the music and enjoy what I have created.

Do you have an album/EP out now that readers should check out or are you about releasing singles?

Yes! I have my album Southaven out now!

Music wise, what are you working on?

On to my next album, Queen

Do you have any plans to tour?

Iā€™m hoping on touring this summer!

When you are not making music what else do you enjoy to do?

I love to read, watch old black and white films, I love to walk with my dogs.

Outlaws Music Video

Where can we find you online?

Sierra Molinda (Facebook)

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