Who Is?/Official Hype Mic Crenshaw - Hip Hop Congress

Published on April 24th, 2024 | by Charles Myambo


Transforming Minds Through Music – Mic Crenshaw from “Hip Hop Congress”

MUSIC has long been one of the most powerful human ACTION and EMOTION proponents! Everything ranging from soft melodies to aggressive up-tempo beats can evoke raw emotion from listeners. Add to that a few well-placed lyrics and you have a “clear message” that can prompt an audience to feel or act in a certain way. Quite simply, music has the unparalleled capacity to influence people on how to think, feel, and act. Most artists are cognizant of this but tend to become indifferent towards the positive or negative impact of their music due to the allure of financial power! That said, there are a few exceptions who still place more value on the impact of their music rather than the money they can make from it. One such artist is the highly-touted “Rap & Punk” savant and Hip Hop Congress member, Mic Crenshaw.

Michael Crenshaw best known as “Mic Crenshaw” has an exemplary rap career stemming several decades. Similar to many of the greats, Crenshaw’s style of music is a direct by-product of his upbringing. Growing up, he endured it all whether it was racism, bullying, stigmatization, or simply being exposed to the dangers that loomed large in the cities he resided. Facing such challenges head-on certainly toughened Mic but it also ignited a burning desire within him to just RAP! Music offered him the platform to be expressive and convey his personal experience in a way that could inspire others who shared similar life experiences. Mic predominantly identified with both the “Punk” and “Hip Hop” music scene which culminated in his unique sound that blends the 2 cultural genres.

Initially, Mic was keen on directly combating issues such as Racism, Injustice, and Poverty. With time, however, he started to focus more on the root causes rather than the symptoms of these societal issues. It is around this exact period that Mic began to emerge as a ”Cultural Activist”. He was determined to utilize the power of music to propagate positive change within society. Mic fully understood that the sheer impact of music can permeate Political, Religious, Cultural, and Societal landscapes. This is precisely why music, if and when misused, can be weaponized especially among impressionable groups of listeners. Fortunately, artists like Mic only have the desire to use music to propel positive change and authenticity at whatever personal cost. By his admission, Mic has never been one to conform to norms or follow trends. His fulfillment solely comes from inspiring people to be positive, courageous, transparent, and socially engaged.

In an environment where artists who rap about the same limited subject matter are rewarded in the commercial rap industry, Crenshaw’s music defies conformity.”

Mic Crenshaw

Mic Crenshaw speaking on his role with Hip Hop Congress

“I’ve been down with Congress since the early 2000s. I think Shamako N. invited me to join Congress in about 2007 roughly, He said, “You don’t join Congress, Congress joins you.” The rest is history.  I’ve attended and presented at a few conferences and have the title of Northwest Regional Director.”

Mic Crenshaw Public Performance

Hits From Mic Crenshaw 


Accolades & Credentials 

  • Inaugural Fields Fellowship cohort
  • 2016 Willamette Week Best Hip Hop Artist
  • HHC Regional Director 
  • International Hip Hop Cultural Activist
  • Published Author 
  • Podcast Host
  • & many more 
  • A Mic Crenshaw Interview – via Oregon Public Broadcasting

Featured Image: Michael “Mic” Crenshaw – agency submitted


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About the Author

(@BigChaz14 on Twitter) is a columnist and correspondent for industry leader, The Hype Magazine. He is also well known for being a multiple genre #1 Amazon best selling author. In addition to that, Charles is a credentialed journalist as seen in Muck Rack & Press Reader and he is also a highly touted celebrity news correspondent. Moreover, Charles is an international celebrity host and interviewer who has been covered by some of the world's biggest publications. At present, his interviews have been covered by credible journalistic outlets such as Medium, Flipboard, Press Reader, Muck Rack and many others. He is also a columnist for huge African newspapers such as NewsDay, Daily News, iHarare, ZiFM Stereo (radio station), H-Metro, The Financial Gazette as well as several other European and American publications. (@charlesmyambo on Instagram)

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