Hype Style/Beauty urbancoolab banksy rescue hoodie

Published on October 6th, 2020 | by Guest Contributor


Urbancoolab Designs Hoodie to Help Banksy’s Louise Michel Migrant Cause

urbancoolab banksy rescue hoodie

As if the current COVID-19 pandemic and bouts of racial inequality weren’t already enough to deal with, 2020 has experienced more than its fair share of global catastrophes. Banksy is one individual who knows this all too well.

Just a few short weeks ago, the enigmatic street artist funded the operations of a search and rescue boat to help stranded migrants trapped along the central Mediterranean. Banksy accused European officials of ignoring maritime distress calls from non-Europeans who remain trapped on the open water for days. The ship, dubbed Louise Michel, set out to rescue as many individuals as humanly possible, which ironically enough was forced to issue a distress call of its own after exceeding its own on-person capacity. While en route, the craft came in contact with another boat carrying approximately 130 individuals who also needed rescue aid. It was near the Italian island of Lampedusa, where a number of the individuals were released to Italian coast guards and the remaining to another humanitarian ship also carrying groups of distressed passengers.

As unfortunate and troubling as the issues were, the ship’s inability to safely transport all victims to shore accurately depicts the dangers faced by those bound for Europe in hopes of a better life.

The fight continues with troops of European activists urging European Union members to open their ports to migrants in need, saying “The struggle of the survivors is not over.” As a result, Urbancoolab is answering the call set out by Banksy. The company’s AI robo-designer has created a commemorative hoodie to help shed light on the ongoing crisis, while contributing a portion of its earnings from its sales. 50 percent of the gross margin will be donated to the ongoing operation of, Solidarity And Resistance – The Lifeboat Louise Michel.

The commemorative hoodie design is now available for purchase via Urbancoolx.

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