Who Is?/Official Hype

Published on April 13th, 2021 | by Jameelah "Just Jay" Wilkerson


Frio, The Prince of PA on the Rise

Written by: Julz Mancini

It is the most daunting situations that usually attempt to maintain a tight grasp on our lives, weighing us down and restricting us from utilizing our full potential. Some of us are able to escape the grasp of adversity while others are not so lucky. I have come to notice that most music artists have had the most difficult journeys and turned to music as a guide to the light at the end of the tunnel.

The heart and soul of a music artist is unlike any other I have come in contact with. Frio, the prince of PA, invited me into his life as he shared the gut wrenching hardships he was faced with. As a child, Frio experienced the death of his mother. At such a young, many of you may be able to relate to the deep sense of emptiness that is left upon a child whom loses a mother. Over the years, I have recognized that loss triggers the desire to pinpoint an outlet to express oneā€™s pain. For Frio, this outlet was music.

Frioā€™s pain didnā€™t end with the passing of his mother. In 2014, he suffered a gunshot wound to the neck in which severed his subclavian artery. For those who may not know what this vessel is responsible for, Iā€™m about to give you some nursing insight. The subclavian artery receives its blood supply directly from the heart and is responsible for providing circulation to the upper extremities, head, and neck. Major injury to this artery typically results in death. However, Frio miraculously survived this devastating injury.

After his recovery, Frio made himself a promiseā€¦to push his way into the industry and also assist the youth in his community. Thus far, he has remained committed to this promise. In December of 2019, Frio became a pertinent figure in the ā€œGuns Down Christmas Concertā€, an anti-violence effort with a portion of the proceeds going toward the family of a gunshot victim. Not only has Frio had an active role in his community, but he has been consistently releasing music for his audience.

Three weeks ago, Frio released the ā€œ33 Freestyleā€. In this short time frame, the talented rapper has received almost 4 thousand views on YouTube. As the viewer chimes into the video, they are met with Frio at the cemetery while he speaks his truth with pure lyricism.

ā€œIā€™m frozen to death. My veins full of ice with no hope in me left. Iā€™m tryna move right. Iā€™ll never sell my soul. It ainā€™t even mine. Iā€™m created by the GOAT. My purpose is divine. These other rappers jokes. All they do is rhyme.ā€

I can tell when an artist creates their music from a place of pain and emotion. That is exactly what Frio does. He creates relatable, soulful, and catchy music for his fans. It is no surprise that he has obtained an extremely loyal fanbase. People look to him for music that touches their deepest feelings. I look forward to seeing Frioā€™s journey soar to new heights. Please be sure to follow him on social media and stream his music!


About the Author

Publisher and CEO of The Hype Magazine. Follow me on Twitter @HypeJustJay

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