Who Is?/Official Hype

Published on April 15th, 2021 | by DiamondKesawn


Getting to know You with Bakir Floyd

Every now and again I come across someone that I feel you’ve gotta know. Today we take it inside the network and get to know Bakir Floyd.

In 2019 Bakir Floyd graduated from Villanova University with his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. However, music was always in his genes with him being the son of James “Gotti” Floyd, who was signed to Queen Latifah’s Flavor Unit. Inspired by his father’s drive and ability, he always had an innate desire to pursue music. He began mimicking his father’s musical path and learned how to sing, rap, and dance. Unfortunately, his father was arrested, and Floyd is left without him for many years. What Bakir Floyd thought was his greatest struggle became his biggest aid in developing into a man. James and Bakir Floyd’s relationship grew stronger during his father’s time away and both men were dedicated to making a change. During Bakir’s time in college, he felt more inspired than ever to fulfill his father’s ambition along with his.

Being both adept in singing and rapping, Bakir showcases versatility in the ability to make his feelings transparent in the art of music. During Bakir’s senior year of college, he decided to write his first single titled “2 A.M”. Bakir believes that his greatest asset as an artist is his versatility. He wishes to be a bridge between multiple genres displaying his talents in Rap, R&B, and Pop.

In a heartwarming moment, when Bakir graduated, his father made it home in time to attend and the two bonded again. They vowed to be better men for their families, and Bakir and James Floyd created Writrz Block.

Follow Bakir Floyd:

Twitter @BakirFloyd 

Instagram @BakirFloyd

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About the Author

When it comes to the Name DiamondKesawn, it truly speaks for itself. Born Kesawn Cooper, in conjunction with the fact that he is known to be a girls Best friend aka Diamond; you get the Birth of DiamondKesawn.The Self Made Media Socialite is dedicated to the continued Growth and the Development of himself, DKP the Brand, RAmag and the Brands of those he will touch. Buckle your Seat Belt as it’s always a Roller Coaster Ride with DiamondKesawn. #MindYou

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