2 Hollywood

Published on May 28th, 2022 | by Jameelah "Just Jay" Wilkerson


5 Common Signs That You May Be Suffering From High-Functioning Depression

If you suspect you may have depression but have waved away that possibility because you’re still able to go about your day, you may want to talk to your doctor about high-functioning depression. This type of depression typically manifests as persistent mental health struggles that may not necessarily interfere with your ability to complete everyday tasks. If you’ve never heard of this type of depression and want to get informed, there are several common signs to look for. Here’s what you may want to keep an eye out for.

1. You’ve Been Pushing Through Your Days With Low Levels of Energy

Perhaps surprisingly, one of the most common signs of High-Functioning Depression is low levels of energy. Although you may be able to push through your day, if you feel sluggish or feel that you’re constantly dragging your feet and forcing yourself to just get by, you may be suffering from high-functioning depression.

If you notice this sign, check that your low energy levels aren’t due to another issue first. For example, try getting to bed early, sleeping seven to nine hours a night, avoiding caffeine and screen time before bed, and creating a calm, peaceful sleeping environment to ensure deep sleep.

2. You’ve Been Previously Diagnosed With an Addiction Known To Be Linked to Depression

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with an addiction, you may be experiencing high-functioning depression as a co-occurring disorder. In some cases, addiction struggles may go hand-in-hand with persistent depression and could make the depression worse. Ask your doctor about this possibility if you’ve been diagnosed with an addiction to any of the following:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Illegal drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Gambling
  • Tobacco

3. You’ve Been Struggling With Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence Issues

Another common sign of high-functioning depression is persistent feelings of low self-esteem and self-confidence. If you frequently feel down about yourself, you may want to schedule a session with a therapist or a visit to your doctor.

In addition to professional treatment, there are a few other ways you can begin boosting your self-esteem today. Identify possible triggers, pay closer attention to potentially distorted thoughts, search for the positive in any situation, and extend yourself kindness and forgiveness.

4. Your Current Sleeping Habits Are Out of Balance

Unbalanced, disordered sleeping habits are sometimes another sign of high-functioning depression. If your sleeping schedule has been out of whack, you may want to book an appointment with your doctor. Potential signs of sleep disturbances can range from sleeping much more than usual to not getting enough sleep to experiencing constantly interrupted, shallow sleep. You may wish to contact a healthcare professional if you’ve been experiencing:

  • Sudden movements during your sleep
  • Difficulty breathing during the night
  • Constant fatigue during the day
  • Trouble getting to sleep
  • Trouble staying asleep
  • Trouble waking up in the morning

5. Small, Everyday Decisions Cause Unwarranted Amounts of Stress

Lastly, feeling enormous amounts of stress and anxiety over basic, everyday decisions could be yet another sign of high-functioning depression. If small decisions cause you unjustifiably large amounts of stress on a regular basis, it may be time to meet with your doctor and discuss your options. Other common signs your body is under severe stress include:

  • Chest pain
  • Frequent exhaustion
  • Heart palpitations
  • Muscle aches and pains

Whether you’ve recently visited a doctor who diagnosed you with high-functioning depression or whether you’ve started to suspect you may have depression, knowing about some of the most common signs can help you identify the issue so you can tackle it head-on. Keep these signs in mind, talk with your healthcare professional, and make a plan for your journey towards recovery.

About the Author

Publisher and CEO of The Hype Magazine. Follow me on Twitter @HypeJustJay

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