2 Hollywood

Published on May 25th, 2024 | by Jameelah "Just Jay" Wilkerson


Why Does Stage Mom Anjie Sanderson Keep ATTACKING JoJo Siwa?

If you’ve been listening to the social media comments by former XOMG Pop mom Anjie Sanderson, you have to wonder what’s behind her recent attacks on the woman she used to work with—if anything.

Is singer/dancer JoJo Siwa as mean and deceitful as Anjie portrayed her to be? What are the facts?

Everyone knows JoJo. She’s a popular entertainer with over 45 million TikTok followers, and first gained fame as the perky, glittery wholesome child star phenom on the TV Series Dance Moms.

Today’s she’s the co-founder (along with her mother, Jessalyn) of the popular new girl group, XOMG Pop!

JoJo had a dream of finding and nurturing talented young girls who could dance and sing, helping them achieve their dreams and turn them into a top tier Pop Girl Group.

What ambitious young dancer/singer wouldn’t jump at such an unbelievable opportunity?

Anjie Sanderson’s daughter Leigha was also a dreamer.

Unfortunately, Leigha was born with spina bifida, a deformity that can manifest with symptoms of pain, fatigue, high stress and anxiety. Nonetheless, Leigha dreamed of bright lights and fame as a national performer. So her mom, Anjie, dropped everything (including her daycare business), to help her daughter pursue her dream.

Soon, along with 6 other young girls, her dream came true. She was picked by the Siwas as one of the finalists.

In the days and weeks that followed, Leigha spent long and exhausting hours learning routines, perfecting moves and mastering lyrics. Mom Anjie was always at her side, pushing and encouraging.

For poor Leigha, however, keeping up with the other girls was a challenge. Talented as she was, the physical demands of grueling rehearsals were seemingly wearing on her. Not sure most parents would have let her continue, especially so soon after a major surgery.

Inevitably, the dream burst and the Siwas were forced to let her go.

In her disappointment, Momma Bear Anjie started lashing out.

According to her, the Siwas were subjecting the girls to unduly intense, excessively brutal dance rehearsals, endangering their health and costing her daughter the opportunity of a lifetime.

Did Anjie bring these points up before Leigha’s dismissal, or only afterwards?

Was this a real complaint, or simply sour grapes?

You’d think that, before allowing her child to apply for the group, Anjie would have thought about the difficulty a child born with spina bifida might encounter as a member of a highly competitive dance ensemble?

You might also wonder if the Siwas were wrong in conducting rigorous practices and routines with such high standards of performance? But is there any other way to develop the nation’s number one, top of class girl group?

Or you might wonder if the XMOG Pop! group was the right choice for Leigha, even considering how talented she is as a singer and dancer. Would something less physically challenging have been a better option for her?

What’s really behind Anjie’s complaints?

Are her comments justified? Were the Siwas’ standards too high, or is this just another case of a stage mom living vicariously through her child and going to the dark side when things don’t work out?

Would it be better for Leigha’s career if Mom Anjie simply moves on?

Fans of both Leigha and the Siwas will have to draw their own conclusions about Anjie’s motives.

About the Author

Publisher and CEO of The Hype Magazine. Follow me on Twitter @HypeJustJay

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