
Published on August 11th, 2022 | by Jimmy Star


Kylie Marshall: Rising Superstar Rocks the Heavens

“Make way for the Angels because they will fill your heart in ways you can’t imagine”….

At only 14 years old rising superstar Kylie Marshall has the voice of an angel, the style of Ariana Grande, the heart of Billie Eilish, and the soul of Aaliyah…but a talent unique to Kylie…Her performances light up the world like fireworks plunging into the night sky and shattering the darkness….

Beginning her singing journey at age 3, Kylie’s very first performance took place before a stadium crowd of 2500 where she rocked the house and made the world take notice. Most recently she was invited to showcase her gift in Times Square, in New York City, the crossroads of the world live for the iconic Children’s show Wonderama in front of thousands of on-lookers with host David Osmond. Following the taping of Wonderama’s 26 episodes Kylie and her talented entourage of 10 dancers ranging from ages 11 to 17 traveled to Soho to take part in the new entertainment/reality show “Soho At Night” set to air early next year. The new series also featured the legendary Tony Orlando, world renowned composer Randy Edelman, Prince Steven Borjigin, Prince of Mongolia, and other distinguished guests.

Under the guidance and direction of Tony Mercedes, the acclaimed, award-winning music publisher of TLC’s No Scrubs, Ed Sheeran’s Shape of You, just to name a few of his hits which exceed 100 million in record sales has helped Kylie procure a lead role in Josh Webber’s holiday film “Athena Saves Christmas.” The teen pop star has also received vocal training from the 12 time Grammy nominated singer and vocal coach Makeba Riddick-Woods, who has worked with legends including Rihanna, Beyoncé and J-Lo.

It was an honor being able to have a very first interview with Kylie Marshall….the first of millions I’m sure as she continues in her musical quest while the angels themselves propelk her chariot of fire.….

Kylie you’re preparing for a concert this week, what kind?

It’s part of the Dream Tour that I’m on. It’s in Columbia, South Carolina. I’m very excited because the last tour was so great.

Kylie what do you plan to do with your very first royalty check?

I am going to go shopping….

At only 14 how has being a superstar affected your life so far?

It hasn’t really affected it that much. But it is a big change from just singing to myself in my living room, to singing for thousands of people. I guess it’s a big difference, but I feel like it’s kind of meant to be. I do still feel like I’m the same person and my values and ideas haven’t changed. I’m just sharing my songs with a lot more people at once.

Do you get nervous before you go on stage?

Sometimes..but I can deal with it.

If you could have your ultimate stage fantasy, what would you want to happen?

I would probably want to sing with all of my idols, like Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, The Weeknd, Beyoncé….when I went to LA I spent 3 hours looking for Ariana Grande’s star at the walk of fame thing. Then I came to find out that she didn’t have one so that was disappointing.

You started singing at a young age, tell me about that.

Yeah, I started when I was three. I didn’t really know I could sing. I wasn’t really confident with my voice when I was young. It was guys like my parents and everybody else that was telling me that I could do this. I liked singing anyway so I just always continued.

Do you write your own songs?

I do write originals and I do collaborate with other song writers. Sometimes I’ll write about feelings. Sometimes I’ll write about a really cool idea, or a concept that I’ll base the song on…There are two new songs that I am really excited for people to hear. They are two inspirational songs. One is called “I Want to Find Home”. It’s about trying to find a safe place especially in this industry because sometimes you just get lost. It’s kind of inspired by Billie Eilish. There was a time when I would just sing everything Billie. Also the actor Morgan Freeman does a voice over for the introduction. The other is called “Save Me From Myself.” It addresses a lot of things that teenagers go through with instagram and the issues surrounding social media. That’s my signature song.  I feel like everyone is going to like them.

I think the world of Kylie Marshall is going to blow up kind of fast now…..are you prepared for that?

Very!!! I think this is something I can definitely live with until I retire.

You’re also going to have the lead role in a movie?’s called “Athena Saves Christmas” and I think I am going to film it in December in California. It’s going to be really exciting. I wasn’t originally supposed to have the lead role. I was supposed to be like a supporting actor next to the lead character, but now I’m actually the lead character. It’s a Christmas movie.

With everything going on for you so quickly what is going to happen when summer vacation is over and it’s time to go back to school?

In the near future I’ll have to do home-schooling. I mean I was doing home-schooling for half of this past year. I don’t know….I guess we will have to give it a trial run and see how it goes. If it’s not going well I’ll be home schooled again.

Do you have a bestie? And what does your bestie think of all of this?

I have two besties. They live all of this. They literally save everything that has been posted on my account. They are very supportive and are also having a lot of fun along with me.

If there was anything that you could change about your career so far what would it be…?

I don’t think there is anything I’d like to change right now. I think it’s going really well and I love my whole team.

You travel with 10 really great dancers. Are you all good friends?

Yes, I’m friends with all of them. It’s really nice being all together.

(Note from dad)….Floyd you must be very proud of Kylie….

I am…..

Follow Kylie Marshall on IG @kyliemarshallofficial

Interview by Eileen Shapiro

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