
Published on September 12th, 2018 | by Darren Paltrowitz


120/Life Founder Ira Antelis On His “Two Week Challenge” To Combat High Blood Pressure

Over 100 million American adults are battling high blood pressure, yet only half of those people have their condition under control. With no symptoms, high blood pressure is known as a silent killer and can lead to heart attacks, strokes, chronic heart failure, and many other health concerns.

120/Life is a relatively-new product on the market, as created from a tasty blend of six ingredients: beetroot, hibiscus, pomegranate, tart cherry, cranberry and magnesium. It combines the natural benefits of common blood pressure medication, making it the first functional drink to help manage hypertension, without the unwanted side effects of prescription drugs.

I had the pleasure of talking with 120/Life founder Ira Antelis about his product and its “Two Week Challenge.” More on all things 120/Life can be found online at

Where did the idea for 120/Life’s “Two Week Challenge” come from?

Ira Antelis: When working on the prototype for 120/Life, it was evident that the drink showed positive results in as little as 5 days. So when we launched 120/Life, we created the “Two Week Challenge,” which is saying try 120/Life and we believe you’ll see positive results within two weeks. If not I’d be happy to refund your money.

To partake in the challenge, what must someone do? Just drink 120/Life every day for 2 weeks?

Ira Antelis: Very simple: Monitor your blood pressure prior to starting 120/Life. Than consume 1 bottle a day every morning around the same time for 2 weeks. The last couple of days check your blood pressure to see how it worked.

What came first: the concept for the drink, or the realization that the drink could be preventative of hypertension?

Ira Antelis: Both…as it became evident that there was nothing that existed in the U.S. in terms of a functional beverage for the 100 million people living with high blood pressure. The concept along with the research showing all the ingredients had studies showing it lowered blood pressure, came together as one.

When did you first become serious about maintaining healthy blood pressure? Was there a particular event?

Ira Antelis: My doctor told me my blood pressure was dangerously-high and I needed to fix this ASAP. At my age, this was not something I could afford to mess around with. So I read everything I could on what to do, what to eat, and many articles I read talked about all these drinks and teas and minerals that studies have shown when drinking them your blood pressure would drop. That was the beginning.

Two Week Challenge promotion aside, what is coming up for 120/Life?

Ira Antelis: WCIU on TV, radio, just mentioned in the Wall Street Journal, launching the powdered version especially for diabetics who have high blood pressure and continuing the journey to help those that really are uninformed and are in danger.

When not busy with 120/Life, how do you like to spend your free time?

Ira Antelis: My life has been about writing and producing music. So aside for my family, when I have free time the music takes over.

As a music-friendly publication, I must ask: What was the last concert you attended for fun?

Ira Antelis: Paul Simon’s final tour. Arguably the greatest American songwriter of our generation, who I believe now is under-appreciated.

Finally, Ira, any last words for the kids?

Ira Antelis: Yes, find your passion whatever it may be and pursue it in every way you can. Don’t ever give up and don’t let the word “NO” stop you.

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About the Author

Darren Paltrowitz is a New York resident with over 20 years of entertainment industry experience. He began working around the music business as a teenager, interning for the manager of his then-favorite band Superdrag. Since then, he has worked with a wide array of artists including OK Go, They Might Be Giants, Mike Viola, Tracy Bonham, Loudness, Rachael Yamagata, and Amanda Palmer. Darren's writing has appeared in dozens of outlets including the New York Daily News, Inquisitr, The Daily Meal, The Hype Magazine, All Music Guide, Guitar World,, Businessweek, Chicago Tribune, L.A. Times, and the Jewish Journal.Beyond being "Editor At Large" for The Hype Magazine, Darren is also the host of weekly "Paltrocast With Darren Paltrowitz" series, which airs on dozens on television and digital networks. He has also co-authored 2 published books, 2018's "Pocket Change: Your Happy Money" (Book Web Publishing) and 2019's "Good Advice From Professional Wrestling" (6623 Press), and co-hosts the world's only known podcast about David Lee Roth, "The DLR Cast."

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