Azuca was founded by Ron..." /> Azuca's Ron Silver On Making Top-Tier CBD & THC Products, The Success Of Bubby's & More The Hype Magazine: Unveiling the Pulse of Urban Culture - From Hip Hop to Hollywood! Explore a Diverse Tapestry of Stories, Interviews, and Impactful Editorials Spanning Fashion, Gaming, Movies, MMA, EDM, Rock, and Beyond! - The Hype Magazine The Hype Magazine - News From Hip Hop To Hollywood!


Published on April 23rd, 2020 | by Darren Paltrowitz


Azuca’s Ron Silver On Making Top-Tier CBD & THC Products, The Success Of Bubby’s & More

Azuca was founded by Ron Silver, the chef and owner of New York City restaurant Bubby’s, which opened in 1990; Bubby’s now has 2 locations in New York and 6 in Japan. Azuca uses a patent-pending TiME™ Infusion process to make cannabinoids “water friendly,” which allows for a predictable and controllable experience. Typical products on the market take up to 90 minutes to kick in, but Azuca’s products — which ship nationwide — are made to take effect within 15 minutes of ingestion.

Silver’s brand also works with other retail brands to power their products, recently partnering with Wana Brands — which is reportedly the number-one edibles brand in the United States — on its new Wana Quick line. Azuca’s own CBD product line also holds its own in including simple syrup and sugar, and those sugar sticks are pre-measured and individually-wrapped with 25 milligrams of dosed hemp-derived CBD. The simple syrup itself can be added to your beverage of choice, and unlike CBD oil, this CBD-infused syrup blends evenly into beverages without compromising quality, texture or taste.

I had the pleasure of speaking with Ron Silver about Azuca, Bubby’s and more on behalf of the The Hype Magazine. More on Silver and Azuca can be found online by visiting

Azuca is a top producer of innovative THC and CBD products. But to you, what makes Azuca stand out from other producers within the THC and CBD fields?

Ron Silver: Simply put, if you’re looking for a controllable product with fast onset and offset time, the only reliable technology on the market is TiME™. Azuca’s TiME™ infusion addresses fast-acting technology like no other technology company on the market. We have developed a way to encapsulate single molecules in the smallest possible form at 1.5 nanos, which is the size of a canna molecule. To break that down, this process allows molecules to bypass the liver and absorb into the soft tissue of the mouth and esophagus. Most edible applications deliver much larger particulates that do not get absorbed as fast and simply cannot provide the same results. Our THC and CBD products kick in within five to 11 minutes for the majority of consumers, rather than the hours long wait that most edibles typically take.

Azuca also addresses other problems in the edibles industry, and the delivery mechanism we’ve developed solves all of them. We are developing excellent tasting products that consumers trust, and are tackling the manufacturing side to eliminate waste and ensure the longest shelf life possible. It all comes down to the science behind our infusion process and that is unrivaled.

Do you have a favorite of the Azuca products?

Ron Silver: Each of our products are superior for different situations. For example, if I’m baking at home, and given the current circumstances I find myself doing a lot more cooking and baking than normal, I’d reach for our sugar. Whereas, if I’m making a mocktail or cocktail, I’d choose the simple syrup as it seamlessly mixes into liquids.

How did your collaboration with Wana Brands come about?

Ron Silver: We have been working on our Azuca TiME™ infusion process for a few years, and bringing it to a wider audience has always been a corporate and personal goal. The collaboration with Wana Brands happened when Azuca’s President & CEO Kim Rael met with Wana CEO Nancy Whiteman at MJBiz in Las Vegas last year. Wana was hitting brick walls while looking for a solution to create a product with a faster onset time. They tried and tested Azuca and liked what they saw.

The collaboration proved very successful with the new Wana Quick line launching with an overwhelmingly positive response in February. We are proud of the partnership and to see our technology resonate with consumers. Since cannabis became legal, predictability has been the Achilles Heel; Azuca has solved this problem and is by far the best product on the market.

When in your life did you first become familiar with CBD?

Ron Silver: I have been a lifelong fan of cannabis, but I began exploring the business portion side of cannabis and CBD about 7 years ago when I was in Las Vegas on a business trip. I was introduced to someone who was starting a cannabis fund. It intrigued me immediately. We began talking and I learned a lot about the state of the emerging cannabis industry at the time—what it offered and more importantly, what it was missing. What I came to realize is that the biggest issue facing the industry was the lack of controllable, low-dose and reliable edibles. As a chef and culinary innovator, I wanted to change that and spent the next few years developing our TiME™ infusion process. Seeing how it can help people is what continues to drive me.

When did you first notice it to be normal and not at all taboo to be interested in THC or CBD-related culture?

Ron Silver: The culture around cannabis is definitely changing—and it still has a long way to go. Over the past few years, there has been a mainstream shift in how we think about cannabis, which is part due to education in the marketplace: people of all ages are learning about the health benefits and are looking to cannabis for relief in a variety of circumstances. Before the FDA put a temporary halt on CBD in food, we were selling Azuca in beverages at Bubby’s and the response was overwhelmingly positive. Customers loved the different cocktails and mocktails on the menu and particularly liked adding Azuca sugar to their coffee.

As someone who has always had a deep understanding of cannabis and love for the plant, this shift towards normalization is amazing to see. It is so exciting to watch the industry advance, there is so much potential. We have barely scratched the surface.

The world is currently in flux, but what is planned for your company in the coming months and years?

Ron Silver: Azuca is in discussions with several major brand partners to leverage our core competency, which is our fast-acting technology. Besides our own CBD products, our goal is to partner with the best brands in the industry and address the consumer demand for quality products that are predictable, precise and taste great. I also believe that the cannabis landscape will change post COVID-19. I think we are going to see an even larger shift in consumer interest towards edibles and beverages due to health concerns. I also anticipate that products with predictable, rapid onset times, like Azuca, will continue to set themselves apart in the saturated, very competitive marketplace.

Is there an Azuca accomplishment you’re most proud of?

Ron Silver: The partnership with Wana Brands for Wana Quick powered by the Azuca TiME™ infusion process is a tremendous success. It is both exciting and rewarding to see our technology used to help companies formulate products that taste better with better delivery mechanisms. Azuca addresses, mitigates and ultimately solves every industry pain point: waste reduction, shelf stability, flavor, innovation, fast onset, fast offset, and a reliable delivery mechanism. These are my greatest accomplishments.

When not busy with Azuca, where does your free time usually go?

Ron Silver: I am also Chef and Owner of Bubby’s, a comfort food restaurant with 2 locations in Manhattan and 6 in Japan. While I have an in-depth understanding of cannabis and cooking, I never imagined I’d work to combine the two together, so it has been really amazing to blend my two passions with Azuca. I also have an art studio and paint as a third passion. Last summer, I had my first gallery exhibition in Mexico City.

Finally, since you are presumably stuck inside like most of us, what are you currently enjoying for the sake of entertainment?

Ron Silver: Like everyone else, I’m doing my best to stay inside and help flatten the curve, and like a lot of people right now I’m making bread. Our sourdough starter at Bubby’s is over a hundred years old, and I’m making sure it remains active by baking bread in the mornings. I’ve made a commitment to make a loaf of bread a day and give it to someone in the community, a neighbor, friend or family member. I am also updating the Bubby’s Brunch Cookbook, which is long overdue. I am using the time wisely, though will be very happy when this is over.

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About the Author

Darren Paltrowitz is a New York resident with over 20 years of entertainment industry experience. He began working around the music business as a teenager, interning for the manager of his then-favorite band Superdrag. Since then, he has worked with a wide array of artists including OK Go, They Might Be Giants, Mike Viola, Tracy Bonham, Loudness, Rachael Yamagata, and Amanda Palmer. Darren's writing has appeared in dozens of outlets including the New York Daily News, Inquisitr, The Daily Meal, The Hype Magazine, All Music Guide, Guitar World,, Businessweek, Chicago Tribune, L.A. Times, and the Jewish Journal.Beyond being "Editor At Large" for The Hype Magazine, Darren is also the host of weekly "Paltrocast With Darren Paltrowitz" series, which airs on dozens on television and digital networks. He has also co-authored 2 published books, 2018's "Pocket Change: Your Happy Money" (Book Web Publishing) and 2019's "Good Advice From Professional Wrestling" (6623 Press), and co-hosts the world's only known podcast about David Lee Roth, "The DLR Cast."

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