
Published on January 24th, 2021 | by Dr. Jerry Doby


Living With HIV: A Talk With HIV/AIDs Advocate Christina Rawley

Living under the shadow of an HIV-positive diagnosis is a stressor that could completely crumble the world of the person diagnosed…but it doesn’t have to. With advances in treatment, support groups, and education on living with the disease one can live a long productive life. For those of us on the outside looking in, education and interaction with those that suffer from HIV can lead to a better understanding of how the disease is contracted and dispel the misconceptions we have from our lack of or miseducation on the subject. I got a chance to parlay with HIV/AIDs advocate Christina Rawley who discussed her journey as an HIV positive person, some of the misconceptions about the virus, and how she maintains day-to-day.

From the outside looking in, who is Christina Rawley?

Great Question! Christina Rawley is a strong black resilient woman who is a HIV/AIDs advocate! I like to offer resources for people who are newly diagnosed and how to cope/live with an HIV/AIDs.

What was the defining moment that caused your life to change in a dramatic way?

My diagnosis caused my life to change but also deciding to be single and live with HIV changed my life dramatically and traumatically. It is a moment where you question your worth as a person.

Being diagnosed with HIV is a traumatic experience how have you adjusted to life with the virus?

Understanding HIV and its entirety. I have learned how great therapy can be to find your true self. I have come out publicly with my diagnosis in 2017 and have been able to help rather than hide. I spent years in hiding and being scared of my diagnosis because of the stigma behind the virus.

What has been your greatest lesson thus far in dealing with this daunting phase of your life?

My greatest lesson about being diagnosed with HIV is that I have HIV and HIV doesn’t have me! Just because I have HIV doesn’t mean I’m not an awesome person! I’m still me regardless of what I may have.

What are some of the misconceptions from outsiders about those living HIV positive?

Whew! The biggest misconception is that this still the same Virus it was in the 80s. People have not recognized that medicine has evolved so much. HIV is no longer a death sentence. U = U is a scientific movement that has been recognized by the CDC that if a person living with HIV/AIDs is taking their medication regularly and obtains a undetectable status that the virus itself is untransmittable through sex. As well as I get the misconception that since I have this virus that I do not have sex at all. Which is untrue I am very sexually active, and I am just as safe as I can be. Also, I am very open when it comes to sexual partners.

What would you most like people to know about you as a person?

I am a spontaneous, outgoing, ambitious great person. HIV does not define me as a individual. Yes, I am openly positive but there is so much more to Christina then HIV.

How has your journey strengthened you?

My journey has strengthened me by allowing me to recognize my worth as a person. Understanding that the dream of “true love” still exists. Knowing that I can even be happy by myself without anyone else. It strengthened me to love the life I’ve been given and not settle for anything less than what I deserve because I am still very much deserving.

What are you doing to educate others about the virus and how to live with it?

I started a YouTube channel in 2017 called Love the Life You’ve been Given and I am currently working on a Sex positive podcast that will indulge into sex and its entirety. Please stay tuned for that!! I am very excited.

Anything else you feel we should know about Christina Rawley?

I guess what I can say is I am still human. 11 years later I’ve still endured pain and hurt from situationships and people. A lot of the time people tend to think well it takes a strong and genuine person to accept the diagnosis. While that may hold some truth there are still people who are narcissistic and prey on your “weakness”. So know that I have been working on that as a person and learning to find those red flags earlier and earlier but it takes work.

Where can we find you online?

FB: Christina Rawley

IG: IssaQueenBabee

CH: IssaQueenBabee

About the Author

Editor-in-Chief of The Hype Magazine, Media and SEO Consultant, Journalist, Ph.D. and retired combat vet. 2023 recipient of The President's Lifetime Achievement Award. Partner at THM Media Group. Member of the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture, the United States Press Agency and ForbesBLK.

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