Who Is?/Official Hype

Published on March 30th, 2021 | by Dr. Jerry Doby


Who Is Taylor Narain?!

I dropped into a room on the burgeoning social app Clubhouse and was wowed by this amazing voice that was gracing the stage. The voice was of an artist named Taylor Narain and the song was this ultra-dynamic Neo-Soul joint aptly namedĀ Neo. She had me on full stop and paying attention right away so I wanted to introduce her…

The Hype Magazine also got Taylor to weigh in on a few things

From the outside looking in, who is Taylor Narain?

Taylor Narain from the outside looking in, I guess I can go off what people tell me first off.Ā They say I come off as free-spirited, mystic, independent, electric, alluring, intelligent, super happy, and positive all the time. Lol. Itā€™s flattering, most definitely, but from the outside looking in, I pray people see me as an equal. Someone who is also journeying through life, trying to figure out what to do with herself and her gifts and talents.

Iā€™m experiencing the ebb and flow of life while on my journey as well. I can be way too critical of myself. I can be a perfectionist. I procrastinate and hesitate, second-guess and can be judgmental at times.

Iā€™m doing my best to express and release and maintain the balance and harmony I need to keep within. Iā€™m always becoming anew, always learning and relearning..forgetting and remembering, then forgetting again. Veering off the path at times, while always being guided back towards it.

Iā€™m just a reflection of you.

It takes time and patience to actually get to know me and my vulnerable side.

If you ever get the privilege to do so and I let you in on a piece of me, just know youā€™re appreciated and I promise your experience with me will be nothing but bliss once you get to really know me.

What’s the most satisfying for you about being an artist?

Expressing through art! Just being able to express emotions in different ways. Like I can cry if Iā€™m sad but I can also write a song and make a visual to it to get off the fact that I feel this way. I can write a poem; paint or whatever.Ā 

Gives my emotions more room to feel, that way I feel more encouraged to release them when Iā€™m done expressing them.Ā  I think everyoneā€™s an artist of some sort. We should all channel our emotions more through creativity, in my opinion.Ā 

How do you look to connect with your listeners?

I look to connect with my listeners mostly through song and visuals. Thatā€™s just my thing.

I love putting the song together and really love putting visuals together. Whether it be cover art, media content, music visuals or videos. I love that area of music and feel I connect best right now through that.

Iā€™m really wanting to work on connecting through performing next. It just hasnā€™t been my favorite part but itā€™s definitely a world in which Iā€™d like to integrate soon.

My stage presence means just as much to me. Iā€™ll be creating a whole other visual on stage when it comes to performing my music. Like I want my stage to be set up for real, for real like a play or some shit lol. Iā€™m excited to get to that nonetheless!Ā 

How have you managed your mental health during the pandemic?

Honestly, the pandemic has helped me to become even more rooted in my spirituality. The best thing Iā€™ve done for my mental health while in a pandemic is slow down and take my time. I feel like Iā€™ve completely surrendered to divine timing and the process of manifestation. I speak what I want into existence, I do my share of the work to bring it to fruition and I release it to the universe and trust that she will usher my manifestation home so I can use it to elevate my life. Outside of that keeping my energy up with hella walks in nature, lots of fruits and veggies, creating, talks with myself, sorting through, and ridding of outdated thoughts; feelings and an abundance of sunlight have helped me through just fine.Ā 

Where can we find you online?

Socially, you can find me online on Instagram @taylor.narain and Twitter sometimes @taylornarain.

Musically, Iā€™m on all DSPs as Taylor Narain. That includes SoundCloud and Bandcamp.Ā 

Just in case you want more from Taylor check out the playlist below:


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About the Author

Editor-in-Chief of The Hype Magazine, Media and SEO Consultant, Journalist, Ph.D. and retired combat vet. 2023 recipient of The President's Lifetime Achievement Award. Partner at THM Media Group. Member of the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture, the United States Press Agency and ForbesBLK.

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