Who Is?/Official Hype

Published on March 15th, 2022 | by Dr. Jerry Doby


Pioneer of NFT Space in Australia, Simon Diamond Shares the Facets to His Success

The adage goes, “diamonds are forged under pressure,” and that is never truer than it is in the case of Simon Diamond. The NFT pioneer in Melbourne is burning a trail across a plethora of industries and has no intention of slowing down.

At the ripe old age of 22, Diamond has garnered life lessons others wait until their mid-life crisis to learn. Far from your average 22-year-old, Diamond is effortlessly leading the charge of edifying his fellow compatriots and neighbors in New Zealand of the advantage of dominating the crypto scene. His latest venture is an NFT aptly titled DIAMOND HEADZ, a bridge marrying Australia and New Zealand citizens with access to the blockchain arena via an NFT. 

But Diamond is more than an NFT pioneer in Australia. He is a real estate maven, a world-requested DJ, a model, and once even had his hands in a bakery. 

His success is not a series of fortunate events. Instead, Diamond has clawed his way from the bottom and now stands proud as the alpha of all alphas. When it comes to laziness, he takes no prisoners and expresses a sense of maturity far beyond his two-decades-long years. He epitomizes that age is just a number, and success can be achieved at age with the right mix of hard work, dedication, and unwavering belief in self. 

Diamond fully believes in taking others along with him for his success. But what he refuses to stand for is egos, ungratefulness, and those that wallow. He braved the foster care system, stared homelessness in the face at 14, and learned life’s lessons the hard way. He isn’t callous, but he abhors self-pity. More than anyone else, Diamond knows firsthand that you have the power with your actions to write your own story and create your future. With accountability, ambition, and self-reliance, he defied the odds and expects no less from those he mentors. 

Today this once homeless boy liaisons with a global team and executes business deals with international companies at odd night hours or before the sun bears its first ray. Most importantly, he is doing it with the love and support of his close friends, people he’s grown to trust and appreciate. When others doubted them, they poured into each other. They merged their creativity, endured sleepless nights, long flights, setbacks, and trusted the power of their last dollar in the future of their business. Some may call it good teamwork; they call their end product a miracle, which cannot be denied. 

Diamond does not paint a picture of perfection in the business. He never fails to tout his wins and losses, but what he has mastered is the art of resilience and excellent communication skills that eradicates all barriers. 

He implores burgeoning entrepreneurs to maintain a healthy sense of curiosity that will lead them to new opportunities while performing structured experimentation to bolster it. Also, he urges all youth in business to cultivate a solid and smart sense of risk tolerance, grow comfortable with failure, and foster the adaptability to weather the ever-changing nature of business.

About the Author

Editor-in-Chief of The Hype Magazine, Media and SEO Consultant, Journalist, Ph.D. and retired combat vet. 2023 recipient of The President's Lifetime Achievement Award. Partner at THM Media Group. Member of the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture, the United States Press Agency and ForbesBLK.

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