Discovering The Spirited Journey of Celebrity Ghostwriter, Pauleanna Reid
Adversity is a gruesome foe that can take up the form of a consuming fire if not confronted by resilience. However, that is easier said than done. In this article, we analyze and celebrate the life of a woman who confronted death twice and lived to tell the tale. She exhibited unparalleled resilience and battled adversity with an iron fist. The story of this woman epitomizes courage quite unlike anything else. This mesmerizing woman has come to be known globally by her birth name, Pauleanna Reid but to me, she is the “resilience” incarnate. Today, Pauleanna Reid is an internationally recognised celebrity ghostwriter and agency owner.
She is an established Forbes Magazine and Business Insider writer. Additionally, she is the proud owner of the top echelon writing agency known as WritersBlok. Moreover, she is a decorated keynote speaker and university lecturer who has a big passion for equipping youths. However, these impressive feats are all a far cry from her heart wrenching past. A “past” to which she credits both her manifest and latent success nowadays. To fully appreciate the grave adversity Pauleanna had to endure, we have to trace back to the year 2008. “Death”, an unwelcome perennial visitor, decided to set its eyes on Pauleanna. This period in her life was particularly bleak and agonizing. She had been the recipient of seemingly perpetual abuse. At the precipice of her unmitigated abuse, she opted to bring her life to an unnatural end. The decision was made, she had nothing left to live for in a world saturated with pain and injustice. It seemed no one was paying attention to her plight and everyday life became like torture to her. It felt as if she was suffocating with each day that passed and ironically, the only way to gasp for air was disguised as suicide. Despite her inherent willpower, the excruciating pain only got worse and worse. This pushed her to make that grave choice to cross over to the after life. Fortunately for her at the time and the world today, both suicide attempts she made were unsuccessful.
Where would the world be without her one might wonder? Without Pauleanna, millions of young girls around the world would not have such a valiant role model. What would have become of all the countless men and women Pauleanna was destined to mentor in subsequent years? It is an irrefutable fact that the world is a better place because of great people like Pauleanna. This article is not synonymous with victimology lest we focus on her gloomy past. This is a story about a victor that defeated adversity and has since then taught others how to do the same.
“Resilience Personified” – Pauleanna Reid
“World Class Mentor” – Pauleanna Reid
Over the years, Pauleanna has managed to successfully establish and provide world class mentorship services. She envisaged the use of her mentorship programmes as a vehicle to educate and inspire. From the looks of it, one has to say, “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED”! The mentorship she currently provides is naturally predisposed towards women. As a woman herself, she has had several first hand experiences with seemingly insurmountable obstacles especially those most prevalent among women. As such, she strongly identifies with every woman who has to combat unfavorable odds in life. Her journey before becoming the bonafide star she is today was anything but smooth sailing. She credits that very same journey which was marred by various trials for invigorating the unparalleled drive she has come to be defined by. Moreover, Pauleanna’s past experiences stimulated a deep lying inclination for her to guide many other women like herself towards the “promised land”. Her mentorship programmes are quite inclusive and relatable for women from all walks of life. She has a very hands on and demonstrative approach to mentoring. Forming a genuine connection with her mentees is imperative to her. That connection helps to facilitate more seamless tutelage. Needless to say, she is an astute teacher as exemplified by all the success stories of those she mentored. However, what truly sets her apart is the fact that seeing others succeed is more of a reward to her than the remuneration provided for her services.
“Innate Visionary” – Pauleanna Reid
Now approaching her late 30s, Pauleanna plans on reducing her responsibilities at her ghostwriting agency, WritersBlok. When the time is right, she will select a fitting CEO to relieve her of some of her day to day supervisory duties. The motive behind her desire to step down is what’s truly surprising and in a very pleasant way I might add. She wants the new free time she gets to be apportioned towards helping people who are still trying to build up their own lives. Calling her a saint would seem like an understatement when one considers her selfless personality and demeanor. Her fulfillment is contingent on aiding those in need which cannot be said for the vast majority of people in society today. It’s also one of Pauleanna’s top priorities to allocate more time towards working with the youth through schools and conducting even more guest lectures at colleges and universities. She has openly expressed that she loves the idea of aiding people who are shaping the future and who are shifting culture. That is the gateway to her ultimate goal of living a simpler life. She feels as though a lot of the curriculums in schools today are outdated. This realization is unnerving to her because she cares so deeply about adequately equipping future generations. It’s of paramount importance to her that students are effectively molded into the leaders of the next generation. She regularly probes peers and fellow lecturers on whether the tools being availed to pupils can ensure the success of subsequent generations. In addition to youth education, she is very passionate about mental health advocacy and anti-bullying. As previously mentioned, Pauleanna has extensive experience with both mental health issues and bullying. She proudly carries the banner of being a suicide attempt survivor. She hopes many more can draw inspiration from her story and find a reason to continue living despite the misery they may be experiencing in the interim.
“Spirited Motivator” – Pauleanna Reid
Today, Pauleanna is a global phenomenon who empowers multitudes to transform their lives. However, she strongly feels she had to go through the proverbial fire in order to be as refined as she is today. The gauntlet that is life can be quite unforgiving. If adversity was a meal, then Pauleanna was well fed for the majority of her life. However, as the world has come to know, there was a silver lining in her life after all. Her past grief became the fuel source on which she runs on today as a businesswoman and mentor. The “FEAR” she once had became “FUEL”. Today, she helps thousands of people learn how to consistently overcome adversity just like she did and continues to do. Her avid desire to teach and empower is palpable! Pauleanna has gone from being an obscure and bullied young woman to becoming a keynote speaker who has spoken in front of thousands. Her mentorship has inspired and empowered several women to rise from obscurity to becoming notable 6 figure earners. Pauleanna and her own forgettable experience with abject poverty has lit up a profound desire within her to help others navigate past similarly steep circumstances. Her exemplary work has been documented by huge outlets such as Forbes, Business Insider, Vogue, CBC, Cityline, Essence and Glamour to name a few. Working through fear played a major role in Pauleanna’s life. Today, she has over a decade’s worth of experience as a successful entrepreneur. Her journey with her first company commenced when she was just 21 years of age. As a businesswoman, she has always played the long game and never rushed the process. According to her, things that come easy are usually not worth it. She also believes in the importance of understanding that every artist, entertainer and business owner was once an amateur. Pauleanna often states that she wants people to focus less on scalability and focus more on perfecting their craft. The biggest lesson she desires to leave readers with is that your current circumstances do not determine your future or your ceiling thereof. “Keep fighting”!