Travel/Luxury Sandflower - VP of Sprayground poses with new African Inteligence Collection - Courtesy of Sprayground

Published on May 22nd, 2024 | by Dr. Jerry Doby


Sprayground Delivers ‘African Intelligence: Path to the Future III’ Collection, Celebrating African Heritage and Future

Sprayground, the renowned fashion brand known for its unique and edgy designs, recently unveiled its latest masterpiece: the ‘African Intelligence: Path to the Future III’ collection. This stunning and meaningful new line pays homage to Africa, the cradle of humanity, by celebrating its royalty, pride, love, and power through meticulously crafted designs.

A Tribute to Africa’s Rich Heritage

The collection, created in collaboration with Sprayground VP and independent artist Sandflower, is a vibrant expression of African culture. Sandflower, whose Black heritage deeply influences her work, has infused each piece with elements that reflect the majesty and beauty of Africa’s diverse landscapes, cultures, and people. The designs are a testament to the continent’s enduring influence on global art and fashion.


Philanthropy Meets Fashion

A significant portion of the proceeds from the ‘African Intelligence: Path to the Future III’ collection will support global humanitarian aid, empowerment, conservation, and sustainability programs. This commitment to philanthropy makes each purchase not only a fashion statement but also a contribution to meaningful causes around the world.

Innovative Design and Modern Aesthetics

The collection features an array of items perfect for the fashion-forward traveler, including a backpack, duffle bag, and carry-on. Each piece is adorned with Sandflower’s iconic patterns in soft hues of pink, purple, blue, yellow, and white, set against a sleek black canvas. What truly sets this collection apart is its glow-in-the-dark design, adding an extra layer of intrigue and allure.

Sandflower - VP of Sprayground poses with new African Inteligence Collection - Courtesy of Sprayground

Sandflower – VP of Sprayground poses with new African intelligence Collection – Courtesy of Sprayground

A Commitment to Creativity and Social Responsibility

Sprayground has always been at the forefront of innovation and creativity in the fashion industry. The ‘African Intelligence: Path to the Future III’ collection is a testament to the brand’s dedication to pushing boundaries and making a positive impact. “This collection is a must-have for anyone who dares to be different and make a statement,” says Sandflower.

The Legacy of Sprayground

Since making waves with the ‘Hello My Name’ backpack over 13 years ago, Sprayground has continued to captivate the world with its unique designs. Founder David BenDavid (DBD) drew inspiration from his upbringing in the streetwear and art scenes, channeling those influences into a brand admired globally for its creativity and boldness.

Where to Find the Collection

The ‘African Intelligence: Path to the Future III’ collection is now available online on the Sprayground portal and exclusive boutiques nationwide. Don’t miss out on this revolutionary fusion of art, fashion, and philanthropy.

Let us know in the comments your thoughts on this heavy-hitting collection!

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About the Author

Editor-in-Chief of The Hype Magazine, Media and SEO Consultant, Journalist, Ph.D. and retired combat vet. 2023 recipient of The President's Lifetime Achievement Award. Partner at THM Media Group. Member of the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture, the United States Press Agency and ForbesBLK.

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