Equipto: Preserving The Culture
Let’s hop right into this brand new mix-tape entry Out Of Respect — Conceptually, what does that title represent both to and for you?
Well, basically, I wanted to rock on some beats from producers that I somewhat grew up on and dig. The title is basically saying I’m rapping over these beats “out of respect” for the producer, etcetera.
How does Out Of Respect either differ and/or compare to previous Equipto efforts?
Well, for one, it’s the shortest project I ever done; it’s 30 minutes long. Other than that, I’m not sure how different it is from my past projects. It’s real Hip-Hoppy tho! Old school sounding.
Reflecting, how did you first discover your musical talent?
I think when I won my first battle in high school, that’s when I figured out that I might be pretty good at rapping.
Who have been your greatest inspirations musically and why?
Wow, that’s a huge question! I’d say Gil Scott-Heron. His message, heart, soul and personal side he showed the world. Eric Dolphy for being such a humble, groundbreaking and incredible artist. Nina Simone for her voice, message and grace. Gang Starr for the blueprint on what Hip-Hop should be. (And,) Tupac for being so raw and real! I could go on & on… *Equipto chuckles*
Where did your moniker originally derive from?
White Mic (of Bored Stiff) said I should be called Equip probably in ’90. Then, I added the “TO” at the end of it around ’98.
How would you describe and/or define the style of music that you create and perform?
Just Hip-Hop! When I perform, I just want the beats to be clear, my mic to be rite and my DJ on point.
What do you feel you offer the music industry that we don’t already have in other performers?
I think the vulnerable side. The honesty. The regular person’s side of the story. That’s what I want to offer.
Have you encountered any problems in getting to this point in your career?
Of course. Forks in the road. Ups and downs. People making it hard for you. Family and friends passing away. A lot of so called “negative” things can be used to really turn things around in your life.
What do you want people to get from your music?
I want people to have some good Hip-Hop to listen to. I want people to see/hear that we kept up with tradition and trying to do our part of preserving the culture.
When can we, the masses, expect some new music from you?
My CD just dropped June 13th! Then, Opio (from Souls of Mischief) and myself got an album that drops September 1st. A lot of unreleased material, too.
What has been your greatest achievement so far?
I think traveling doing shows, etcetera, around Europe and Japan, with no manager, was the biggest accomplishment so far.
If you could collaborate with any one artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?
It would be Gil Scott-Heron. He’s the greatest to me.
If you could play any venue in the world, which one would you choose and why?
Maybe any House of Blues, ’cause I’ve never done one. Can’t really think of one right now. Or, some venue in Spain maybe.
One track of yours that you think defines you and why?
(A) song called “Push & Pull”…’Cause life’s a struggle. Sometimes you need a push from someone. Sometimes you need to pull someone. That’s basically my life.
Lastly, what’s up with both of your outside musical collectives; 3 Shades of Rhythm and/or Bored Stiff?
That’s my humble beginnings. 3 Shades was me P-Whaley and TD Camp. 1990 ish! We had The Hoodies which was the whole crew, which later became Bored Stiff not long after that — Crazy history right there!
Is there anything I left out, or just plain forgot to mention, that you would like to point out at this given time?
Not really, man. I appreciate Y’all wanting to interview me though. Us underground artists need any exposure we can get sometimes. *Equipto laugh loudly*
Any “parting” message(s) for our readers?
Yeah, if you haven’t yet, listen to John Coltrane’s album Afro Blue Impressions…Gil Scott-Heron’s Winter In America and Gang Starr’s Step In The Arena… Peace and thanks again!
Interviewed By: Hype Staff