Nabiha: To Infinity…And Beyond!
Let's hop right into this forthcoming solo studio set, Mind the Gap, your stateside debut LP — Conceptually, what does that title represent both to and for you?
“Mind the Gap” is both the name of the album and the title song. I came up with the idea in London while riding the underground trains. I saw the signs and heard the voice say, “MIND THE GAP,” every time the train stopped. It was such a big part of my daily routine in getting to and from the studio. But to me, “Mind the Gap” also got me thinking of the gap between my teeth, something that has become much of a trademark for me. Where I come from in Africa, to have gap teeth means that you're a lucky person, so I thought it could be fun to try and combine the two ideas, representing both me as a private person and my musical journey; in more ways than one. *Nabiha flashes a big smile*
How does Mind the Gap either differ and/or compare to previous Nabiha efforts?
I feel like it's been a natural progression. I've always loved a good “pop” hook, and I write songs about my thoughts and life experiences, but I've tried to open up and give a little more of myself. And, I've tried to explore and evolve as a songwriter and musician, while still keeping an honest and positive outlook.
With that being said, how would you define and/or describe the style of music that you create and perform?
I would describe it as “pop music from the heart.” I find it hard to label, 'cause I tend to wanna mix everything up. I'm curious about music in general, and have a hard time settling for just one genre. I just want to play, vibe and get my words and feelings out. Finding the right sound and balance is part of the fun when being in the studio. We set our own limitations. It’s just about taste and style and having fun.
Reflecting, how did you first discover your musical talent?
I always loved music and singing, but as a child I would mainly sing when I was alone. The first time I sang in front of an audience, I was 15 years old and I remember feeling at home. I had a terrible stage fright the next couple of years, but I kept coming back because there was something very liberating about expressing myself through singing. There still is. It just feels right!
Who have been your greatest inspirations musically and why?
Madonna always pops in mind. I was a huge Madonna fan while growing up! I always loved her music and ability to reinvent herself. I admire her stamina and hard work. She's clever, funny and not afraid of going after what she believes, whether or not others might agree. I respect that! That takes guts, and she always inspired me to trust in myself and do my own thing.
What do you feel you offer the music industry that we don't already have in other performers?
Ha, ha! I should probably ask you that!? *She smiles again* It's hard to say. To be honest, I try not to think too much about it. I'd rather focus on being the best version of myself that I can be. I have big dreams and expectations, and I work hard to get my music out there and try to enjoy the ride every day. If you like what you hear it adds to my happiness, and in the end of the day all I want is to be happy!
Have you encountered any problems in getting to this point in your career?
Oh yes! The road is rarely straight or easy. I don't think it's meant to be, though. I've learned so much from my mistakes, things about myself, others, relationships, the industry, everything! Dealing with the fun stuff is easy, how you approach and handle a problem says a lot more, I find.
What do you want people to get from your music?
If my music makes you get up and dance, helps you get through hard time, reminds you that you are perfectly human, eases your pain or makes you happy…Then my mission is accomplished.
What has been your greatest achievement so far?
I feel like there's already been many! Estée Lauder used “Fearless” for a major breast cancer campaign earlier this year, and at H.R.M. the Queen (Margrethe II) of Denmark's 40th Anniversary, I was asked to musically represent the New Millennia. I've been fortunate enough to perform in so many amazing countries and places, and I've got a bad ass team working hard to get my music out in new territories. My songs have been synched in movies and TV series, and in the next couple of weeks I have gigs in Europe, as well as in the U.S.. One of them being the “San Francisco Pride” in front of 100,000+ people. Lining it up like that reminds me it already exceeds everything I had ever hoped for! If I was to boil it down to what's most important, writing songs is like therapy to me, and it makes me so happy when fans tell me how my music has affected their lives. I feel like I get to make a difference, and it really doesn't get any better than that!
If you could collaborate with any one artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?
I would be up for working with Disclosure, Major Lazer, Pharrell (Williams), Grace Jones, Cyril Hahn, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, just to name a few. It would be fun, outta this world crazy, and a great learning experience for me! …Actually, I'd be happy just sitting at the table at that dinner party!
If you could play any venue in the world, which one would you choose and why?
The Moon…First band on the moon sounds good to me!
One track of yours that you think defines you and why?
“Mind the Gap” really tells the story of me as a private person in the simplest way. I like that! And, also songs like “Animals” and some of the new material I'm working on right now has more of an edge to it. I feel really comfortable in the direction it's taking. More good things to come.
Is there anything I left out, or just plain forgot to mention, that you would like to point out at this given time?
Nope, I'm good. *Another smile lights up her face*
Any “closing” thought(s) for our readers?
I just wanna thank you guys at HYPE Magazine for this talk. I am so insanely excited about my EP coming out in the U.S., and I hope you'll all enjoy it. I 'effin' love my job, and I can't wait to perform at a venue near you — the Moon also being an option! Thank you for reading and hope to see you soon! …Much Love, Nabiha
Interviewed By: Hype Staff