Music Lounge

Published on May 8th, 2019 | by Jason Bourne


Nett Serrano delivers visual for lead single, “Do What You Do”

Philly’s own Nett Serrano has started off the second quarter with a great approach. After testing the waters with her single amongst the people, she has stepped it up to dropping off the accompanying visual for Do What You Do.

“I released Do What You Do as the single because I was always told that my voice was deep for a woman. That scarred me.  I was comfortable singing and playing my drums in front of friends and family but not my peers. Today I know I have a beautiful voice , my own unique tone and I have bars.”

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About the Author

Jason Bourne...amazing person and journalist...RIP and you'll always have a home with The Hype Magazine and in our hearts!We miss you my brotha! - Dr. Jerry Doby, Editor-in-Chief.

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