Who Is?/Official Hype

Published on April 13th, 2022 | by Malcolm “A.S.T.A.T.E” Worsham


Who is Snt Cruze?

Emerging Seattle artist Snt Cruze is on the rise on the Los Angeles scene. He contribute his early inspirations to include Future, Juice Wrld, Drake, Lil Wayne, Post Malone. Mr Eazi and Solidstar. When he is not creating music as an artist he is working on his production credits and beginning catalog. The Hype Magazine had the opportunity to catch up with him and get a few questions answered.

Hype: Where are you from and when did you first fall in love with hip-hop?

SC: I’m from Seattle, Wash. but I’ve lived all over the state. I’d say I’m a very well rounded individual. I saw all sides of life, so there’s not one genre I only listen to. But hip-hop is for sure my number one. I got into it when I was in like 5th grade. I used my dad’s card to buy some songs on iTunes and he got pissed off cause they were explicit. I started to get into southern rappers because my basketball coach is from Alabama and he always played shit like that.

Hype: Who are your early influences and inspirations?

SC: Wiz Khalifa, Eminem, TI, Rick Ross, Jeezy, Post Malone.

Hype: You are originally from Seattle Wa, what is the sound like for upcoming artists in music?

SC: Honestly, I don’t listen to any Seattle artists. They all sound like heavily auto-tuned Lil Mosey rappers. They all sound the same to me so I don’t even give them a fair chance to listen to cause I’m just like ehh it’s probably trash *laughs*. We’re huge fans of hip-hop but we don’t really have a specific Seattle based sound. Not many artists from their besides Rock-N-Roll.

Hype: What separates you from the rest?

SC: I spend a lot of time alone thinking. not because I want to but because it’s just how I’ve developed growing up. I don’t follow the crowd and I never have. I got my own style when it comes to basically everything, fashion hair sound lifestyle. Also there’s a lotta fakes these days they talk a big one but they never actually do anything they said they were. I pride myself on keeping things to myself and letting my actions speak. Sometimes Idk if I’m a deep thinker or just an overthinker probably both.

Hype: You recently moved to LA , what inspired you to make the transition and what are you looking to accomplish?

SC: I wasn’t getting anywhere in Seattle. I was too comfortable and in a way that was making me very uncomfortable. Spread my wings.

Hype: What does success look like to you?

SC: Success for me is freedom. Being able to travel wherever I want whenever I want. I hate feeling stuck or trapped. Also just enjoying life away from a phone and digging deeper into what matters like family, nature, and adventure. I swear people are cyborgs nowadays. We’ve forgotten how to live in reality away from the digital version.

Hype: Who is Snt Cruze?

SC: I came up with that name when I was on the phone with my friend. We were talking about our future and I said “one day i’ma have an island and i’ma name it Snt Cruze,” He was like bro that’s gotta be your artist name.

My real name is Cruze.

Hype: Who would you like to work with this year and what are you bringing to the game?

SC: I don’t have any artists that id like to work with anytime soon. I wanna get my sound right before I work with anyone.

Hype: What’s next for you?

SC: Drop more music and content.


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