Gee Baby Talks Musical Inspiration and Career Success
-I first got into music when I was 10 years old from listening to 50cent – Then burning cds with jus his instrumentals and I’d rap his lyrics over his beats since I couldn’t write music on my own
– I more so inspired myself to make music ..
– The music I typically make is more like new age, Rap, melodic, and trap soul all combined into 1 ..
– since i don’t write I go off my energy , I record mix and master my own music .. most of the time I like to be alone in the studio , or just a very few people .. i feel the energy from the atmosphere around me and that determines the type of music I’ll be creating right then n there … I do eveything off the top of the head .
– I want to calibrate with drake , lil durk , rod wave ; & a lot of artist from my city
-if I could open a show for any artist it most likely be a kid laroi crowd or ski mask .. They fans have energy !
– One message I have for my fans is when I make it we make it .
-I don’t have a useless talent , everything I’m good at I use when needed !
– if it wasn’t for my music career I’d prolly be attending college for a 4 year degree which I plan on doing after I make it big
– I’ve performed all over the city from the garden , to the big show all the way to a showcase at the compound … I’ve pretty much touched every stage in Detroit .. the venues I least enjoy are showcase venues .
-the Internet has effected the music game in negative and positive ways but more of a positive way .. back then you’d have to drive your record to wherever you want it to go , now we post and the whole world can see.
-my favorite song to perform is “we up”
– I look up to many musicians , I’d have to say one of them would be master p due to his ability to be an all around entrepreneur & do it all from sports , music , business .
-I’ve gotten a felonious assault charge .. prolly the worst one I’ve caught . I keep my nose clean and stay out the way .
-best advice I’ve received was “if it don’t feel right don’t do it”
– if I could change anything , I’d be the over saturation of poor quality music that is excepted . I honestly Feel like how the industry is set up today you have to kno sombody that’s already popppin to get your foot fully in the door .
– what’s next for me is the best that’s yet to come . Platinum records and sold out tour dates .. it’s coming if I stay consistent and keep recording the quality music I record right now !